Capitol - By Orson Scott Card Page 0,57

have a positive response.
* * *

"That means," the colonel gloated, "that they're nearly out of fuel! We've got them where we want them!"

"That means," Governor Pock said, "that they're cornered and desperate and may very well do anything, including burning us to a cinder."

"Nonsense. That wouldn't help them and they know it. They've lost-- they'll simply have to admit it and surrender."

"They've lost, and we made them lose," the governor said. "What animal doesn't take one last swipe at the hunter, even though he's already dying?"

"You've shot down too many skeeters, Governor," said the colonel.

"We'll be destroyed. I don't want to get these planets involved."

"A bit too late, isn't it? What do you want to do, send them water?"

"I've been considering it."

"Well, stop considering it, Pock. I have authority to remove you from office and impose military law the moment you attempt to in any way aid the rebels." The presence of the fleet had stiffened his spine.

"I wish you'd told me before, colonel. I could have had you in charge of this whole mess from the start."

"I am also instructed to shoot you."

"In that case I'm grateful that I never tried anything. The people are getting a bit restless about this." And so am I. What's the fleet doing?

"Rebels are always popular. A focus of resentments. We can cope."

Pock was very tired. Things were obviously out of his control now. "I'm going to bed," he said.

"Fine," said the colonel, and as soon as the governor was gone he drafted a reply to the rebels.
* * *

Sixth Exchange

From: Authority

To: Traitors and Terrorists

We are not afraid to die for the glorious empire. When we are dead, you shall be dealt with. For making the threat alone, you will be executed in the most ignominious manner possible. Carry out the threat, and we assure you that every telepath in the empire will pay the price.
* * *

What, do they think the other telepaths have any kind of link with us?

They assume it, Worthing told the new captain of the fleet. And why not? They're afraid of people who can talk to each other so that no one else can hear. Don't you remember? It's not polite to whisper.

We don't have any fuel left.

I suggest we surrender.

We will burn Harper Moon.

I will burn you first, Worthing said.

Rage. The rage of eighteen other captains. We are together, they shouted in their minds. We are together against the enemy, not against each other. We must stick together.

Then a pause.

More reasoned thoughts. More careful thoughts.

The last message. It was obviously written by someone else. Probably the military. It looks as though there has been either a policy or a personnel change.

So the hell what? Whatever we do, we're dead.

So let's surrender and at least they'll make martyrs of us, Homer. suggested.

Laughter. What is this? We didn't sign on to be Jesus. We could have let them make us martyrs long ago.

And Homer Worthing knew they were right. Martyrdom did nothing, really. Who would they be dying for? Who would rally to their cause? They were already as strong as any rebellion would ever be. When they died, all the lights would go out, and the empire would be free to use telepaths as tools, then cast them away at will, with impunity.

And underlying all the mental conversation was the ever more powerful undertone of fear. Fear of death. Fear of failing. Fear that, in the end, they were helpless after all.
* * *

The imperial fleet tried another sortie. This time there was no resistance. The rebels were entirely out of fuel. The imperials immediately attacked. At the end of the battle, even hampered as they were, the rebels had lost only seven ships to the nine lost by the imperial fleet. But the imperial fleet could afford losses. And now there were only twelve telepaths left, and they were lost. On the next battle, or the next, they would die.
* * *

Seventh Exchange

From: SWIP-e33

To: Governor Pock

If you have any humanity in you at all, governor, let us refuel and leave. All we want to do is leave settled space. We threaten no one. We harm no one. And in exchange for this we're being murdered in your skies for lack of the one thing you can spare without any loss-- a few million liters of your ocean. You are destroying us by your unwillingness to let us land. You are murdering us.

From: Authority

To: The traitors

You are out of fuel. You will be destroyed in a matter Copyright 2016 - 2024