Caped and Dangerous - Isabel Jordan Page 0,49

everyone else. But who saves the day for you? I never wanted to be anyone’s hero. Until you.”

Greer blinked back tears. “I don’t need a hero. I need a safe, soft place to land. Someone who believes in me. Someone who knows I can take care of myself.”

“You think me wanting to do things for you means I don’t believe in you?” he asked, sounding irritated. “I believe in you more than anyone, myself included. Look, yes, I realize you can take care of yourself. But I’m never going to sit back and watch you struggle with anything when it’s in my power to help. So, even though I’m intrusive and obsessed and maybe even a little stalker-y at times, you can’t expect me to leave you struggling—with anything—on your own. It’s not fair. I love you too much for that.”

She was pretty sure her heart stopped for a minute, then kicked back up at twice its normal pace. “You love me?”

He gave her a well-duh look she thought Bryn had cornered the marked on. “Woman, I’ve been in love with you for two years. I was in love with you the first time you walked into my penthouse like you owned the place and called me a pompous asshat who should lock his patio door. Which I never did, by the way, because I always wanted you here.”

Ugh. She had called him that. More than once. “I love you, too, you know.”

His grin was so bright it could’ve powered the entire city. “I do know that. But it’s nice to hear it. So, do you forgive me?”

She’d forgiven him about five minutes after she’d told him she needed time to process everything. But there really wasn’t any need to tell him that. “I do. But if there’s anything else you’ve done to help me,” she said, making finger quotes on help, “now is the time to tell me.”

Killian raked his hands through his hair and his grin dropped.

“Oh, Killian. You bought my mom’s nursing home, you bought out every superhero contract in the country…what else could you possibly have done?”

He lifted his palms in what she was beginning to think of as his well-I’ve-done-a-thing-I-now-have-to-charm-my-way-out-of gesture. “Before I bought the nursing home, I might’ve made a call to a buddy of mine at Walker, Whit, and Price.”

Greer felt her eyebrows inching involuntarily into her hairline. Her left eye twitched, too. “Walker, Whit, and Price. My ex-husband’s firm?”

“Yeah,” he said on a sigh. “Sorry,” he grumbled.

“Did you get my ex fired?”

“No,” he said defensively. Then he rubbed the back of his neck and added, “But I might’ve offered the firm some additional business if that quarter-wit douchebag never made partner.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Might’ve?”

“Well, more like I definitely offered them the business if they held that fucknut down, professionally speaking, of course.”

Wow. Just…wow. “Why?”

A frown line creased his smooth brow. “He hurt you. He made you ashamed of who you were, of what you could do. He’s lucky I didn’t do more than keep him from getting a promotion. I wanted to buy Walker, Whit, and Price and fire the bastard. But I thought you wouldn’t like that, so…”

Again with the sheepish shrug.

Paul would be pissed when he didn’t make partner. Devastated, even. And even though that thought didn’t make her the least bit sad, he didn’t deserve it. He’d worked hard to make partner. “I’m going to need you to call that deal off. They don’t have to make him partner, but they have to at least be fair about it if he deserves it.”

Killian looked like he wanted to object, but eventually gave her the macho version of a pout and grumbled, “Fair enough. But I’m not letting him work on any of my accounts.”

Paul would probably give his left nut to work on Killian’s accounts. Now that thought did give her a little joy. “Fair enough.”

“So, you love me, and you’re not going to leave me for being a controlling asshole?” he asked.

“So, you love me, and you’re not going to leave me for being a stubborn, grumpy bitch?” she shot back.

“It’s one of my top five favorite things about you.”

She grinned at him. “Oh, yeah? What are the other four?”

Greer squealed when he growled and knocked her flat back on the bed. “Let me show you,” he whispered in her ear.

And he did. That night, and every other night for the rest of their mostly-happily-ever-after lives.


AS IT TURNED OUT, managing superheroes wasn’t any easier than Copyright 2016 - 2024