Caped and Dangerous - Isabel Jordan Page 0,46

to my world, pal. I wish I could say it all gets less weird, but…yeah…no. It doesn’t.”


KILLIAN CRACKED his knuckles and side-eyed Greer. “So, what did you have in mind for a diversion? Because if it involves nudity, I’m—”

She frowned at him. “Why do you always go there? Why does it always have to be something dirty?”

“Is that a trick question?”

Eye roll. He loved it when she rolled her eyes at him. Especially when it looked like she was fighting a smile, like she was now.

He was going to marry this woman.

No matter how long it took, no matter what he had to do, he was going to convince her to marry him, because the thought of not marrying her was simply unthinkable.

“Did you grab that guard’s gun?” she asked.

“The guard you slammed to the ground one-handed?” Was it weird that he’d gotten hard when she slapped a man twice her size to the ground like he was a gnat buzzing around her head? “Yeah, I took his gun.”

She lifted a brow at him. “Can I assume you know how to use it?”

He grinned at her. “Well, I’m better with a sniper rifle, but yeah, I can use it.”

“Great, because you’re a key part of my idea for a diversion.”

And with that, she picked up the Humvee they were crouched behind and tossed it over the huge fence that surrounded the compound. It flew right over the barbed wire rolls on top like it was weightless. He stared, mouth agape, as it hit the ground and rolled over once, twice, three times.

“Shoot the gas tank,” she said casually, in the same tone she used when asking him if he wanted Chinese takeout or pizza for dinner.

It took him a second to gather his wits, but when he did, he raised the gun—a standard government issue M1847 pistol—aimed, and fired.

Thankfully, using a gun was a little like riding a bike, and he hadn’t forgotten how to do it. His aim was true, and the Humvee exploded in an impressive ball of flames. It looked like something out of a Die Hard film.

Greer smirked at him. “How’s that for a diversion?”

“You are so fucking hot,” he blurted again.

Her smirk grew into a full-fledged grin, but she merely tossed her hair over her shoulder and said, “Yeah, I know.”

Then she grabbed him by the shirt, hauled him in close, planted a quick, hard kiss on his mouth and upended him over her shoulder. She pushed off the ground before vaulting them into the air, then flew up to the roof as chaos (yelling, guards scattering, useless radios squawking) erupted below.

Yeah. He was definitely going to marry this woman.

When they reached the roof, Bryn and Declan were waiting for them. Bryn looked fresh as a spring morning, but Declan was grimy, sweaty, and his T-shirt was Jackson Pollock’d with blood spatter.

“What the hell happened to you?” Greer asked.

Bryn examined a split in one of her fingernails and said, “He’s a messy fighter. I took my guy out without breaking a sweat.”

“I took out five,” Declan said through clenched teeth.

“He’s also not good at sharing,” Bryn said in a ridiculously loud stage whisper. “I would’ve helped, but he didn’t let me.”

“Aw,” Greer said. “A gentleman. That’s so sweet.”

“Oh, fuck off,” Declan said, turning on his heel and marching back down the steps as Bryn and Greer snickered.

“Are you purposefully annoying him?” Killian asked.

“Yes,” Greer and Bryn said in stereo.

“He shot Rio,” Bryn added. “Annoying him is a moral imperative.”

Speaking of Rio…

Greer tapped her implant. “Rio, Ellie, can you tell me where the general is?”

“One floor down, dead-ass middle of the building,” Ellie replied.

“How many hostiles between us and them?” Declan asked.

This time it was Rio who said, “Only five. Your diversion was killer.”

Killian glanced over at her and winked, which damn near melted her panties on the spot. Son of a bitch, how was she supposed to stay mad at this man when he could do that with nothing more than a wink?

When they came to the locked door of the room where the general was apparently hiding, Greer ordered Killian and Bryn to stand back. She gave Declan a nod, and kicked the door in, not holding back an ounce of her strength.

The door flew across the room, knocking two of the general’s guards out with it before they could even squeeze off a shot. Declan charged the two on the general’s left, and Greer caught the one of the right in flying Copyright 2016 - 2024