Caped and Dangerous - Isabel Jordan Page 0,19

to jail with two broken legs.

But he didn’t break his legs. Declan hit the ground in a roll and was up and running at full speed by the time the cops on the ground even realized what was happening. Greer made a grab for the back of his shirt, but came up empty-handed as he increased his speed—moving so fast he was practically a blur— and disappeared into the night.

She’d lost him.


She’d never lost a perp in her life. Who the hell was this guy?

Greer tapped her ear. “Rio!”

“Yeah, boss.”

“I need you to find out everything you can about Declan Rhoades. I want to know everything from who his friends were in elementary school to whether he prefers boxers or briefs, to what he had for breakfast this morning, yes?”

“You got it, G.”

As her adrenaline started to fade, various aches and pains started making themselves known. Her back was killing her, her cheekbone felt like mush, and her jaw was pounding like Tommy Lee’s bass drum at a Motley Crue concert.

She touched a tender knot at the back of her head and her fingertips came back wet. Great. She must’ve hit her head when she went through the drywall. Or she cracked her head on the floor when he dropped her like a sack of wet dog shit.

And…was the ground moving?

“Oh, and Rio?” she asked, her voice more than a little thready.


“Call the ER. Have them bring a stretcher out to the parking lot just past the South entrance.”

He paused. “Aren’t you right there? What’s wrong? Why can’t you tell them?”

“Yep. I’m right here. But I’m pretty sure I’m about to pass out, so…”

She had about three seconds to hear Rio scrambling and calling for help before everything went black and she slipped into blissful, pain free unconsciousness.


GREER HAD ACTUALLY NEVER BEEN in a hospital ER. She never even went to her family physician’s office unless it was time for her state-mandated physical and mammogram (because even superpowers didn’t get a woman out of that shit). But the ER because of an injury? Never.

The simple fact of the matter was that superheroes didn’t usually get hurt bad enough to go to the ER. She’d always been so much stronger than any of the bad guys she’d apprehended that she couldn’t even remember the last time she’d taken a punch.

Hell, it’d probably been back in the third grade when Dorian Anderson called her a fartknocker. She’d punched him, he’d punched her back. They’d both gotten suspended. End of story.

So, waking up in the ER, on a gurney, with at least five medical professionals poking and prodding at her, was disorienting to say the least.

A fifty-something man wearing a white lab coat and a severe frown pried one of her eyelids open and shined a penlight in her eye. Greer batted his hand away and told him to fuck off.

“Awake and responsive,” the man said dryly. “Possibly a little altered.”

“No, that’s her normal personality,” a new voice from just outside the room called.

“Fuck you too, Rio,” she muttered, a little alarmed at how slurred her words sounded. It sounded like she was in the middle of a week-long whiskey binge. That couldn’t be good. “What the hell is wrong with me?”

“Concussion,” the doctor said. “Bad one, too. You hit your head pretty hard. We need to keep you here overnight for observation.”

Oh, hell no, she thought, batting away the fluttering hands of the nurses who were trying to wrestle her out of her uniform and into a hospital gown. “I’m going home.”

The chorus of resounding “no’s” made her head hurt even more than it already did. The doctor and nurses shoved her back down in the bed when she tried to sit up.

Rio elbowed his way into the room and gave her a hard stare. “You need to stay here. I’ve already talked to the mayor and told her you need the rest of the week off. Bryn is now on call. And I have calls in to my contacts with the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI about our man Declan. I’ll let you know as soon as I have any info on him. There’s nothing for you to do but rest and heal.”

That was all fine and good, but…

Greer reached up, grabbed Rio by the lapels of his ridiculously stylish suit jacket and yanked him down to eye level. “I’m. Not. Staying. Here.”

Doctors freaked her the hell out. Always had. All the testing she’d gone through when her powers Copyright 2016 - 2024