Cape Storm Page 0,97

I adjusted the range of the note, holding it steady, and fine-tuned it as the beast came closer, and closer, and -

- and then it burst into a powder-fine shower of disrupted crystal. Instant sand.


Two more on the way, bounding over the rocks. I dug deep into my diaphragm and half-remembered old singing lessons. I kept the note going, and amplified it a thousand times, sending it in a shock wave out across the island from end to end. The intensity of the sound swept out like a bomb blast. I was immune to it, but across the island, a dozen crystal ghosts exploded into dust and shards as the wave of sound rolled over them.

The note did more than take care of them; it also brought Bad Bob's other allies out of hiding. Farther inland, near the stunted, mummified trees, Bad Bob's former Wardens were coming out of camouflaged tents and starting to get organized. The shock wave rolled over them, and dozens more went down - not dead, but stunned and probably deafened. I'd caught them by surprise.

They returned the favor.

As I took a step forward, stone softened under my boot, and I sank in to my ankles. A rival Earth power was trying to harden the matrix again around my body, which would have not just trapped me but pulverized flesh and bone, if I was lucky - or amputated both feet at the ankles, if I wasn't.

I held her off, and found some weedy grass struggling to survive between the rocks near my opponent. I added a giant shot of power to send it growing and weaving between the stones. It slithered out of a crevice and wrapped around her ankles, yanking her flat on the ground, then dragged her out into the open where I could see her.

I knew the woman. She was a thin little thing, older than many of my peers in power - a veteran, someone who'd ruled with an iron hand in the old days. A contemporary of Bad Bob's. Her name was Deborah Kirke. She'd been wounded in the Djinn rebellion, I remembered, and she'd lost most of her family when her Djinn had destroyed her house around her. She had cause to believe Bad Bob's anti-Djinn agenda, but that didn't mean I could give her a pass. She'd taken up arms against me and the other Wardens.

That meant she had to be stopped.

"Deborah," I yelled. "Just stay down, dammit. I don't want to hurt you!" She didn't. I suppose, from her perspective, she really couldn't.

I trapped her under a clump of boulders and reinforced it by melting the top layer into a concrete cage. She could breathe, and in time she'd probably dig her way out of it. I was heartsick doing this to an old lady, but I had a war to fight, and mercy wasn't going to win me any consideration from their side in return.

Another former Warden had emerged from cover as well. I knew this one, too - Lars Petrie, a Fire Warden. He liked to form whips out of living flame, and sure enough, one hissed through the air and cut a burning path down my right arm. It wrapped around my wrist and yanked me off balance. I wasn't prepared, and the burn bit deep, charring skin and muscle. That was bad; burns created distractions, made it harder to concentrate, channel, control the forces I needed to balance.

I grabbed water out of the sea. It rose in an arc into my hand, frozen solid, and compacted into a spear. I barely paused before sending it arrowing at Petrie's chest.

He dodged. The spear hit the rocks behind him and shattered into snow, but it distracted him. While it did, I formed another blade of ice and slashed it through the whip. The flame fell apart on my side of the cut, leaving ugly black spirals up the skin of my arm, with red exposed muscle.

I tried not to think about how much that was going to hurt once the nerves woke up.

I started running for him, knife clutched in my uninjured hand, and while I was at it, I shook the rocks under his feet, a miniature earthquake that sent him stumbling. He wrapped his fire whip around a boulder to steady himself, but I was there when he straightened, already cutting at him with the knife.

I got it under his chin and held the cold edge there. Our eyes met, and Copyright 2016 - 2024