Cape Storm Page 0,13

clipped me this time. That was worse, because it wasn't distributed evenly over my aetheric form; it caught my ghostly leg instead, and a bolt of pain lanced through me, odd and blurry.

I shouldn't be able to feel physical pain on the aetheric. And nobody should be able to attack like this. I'd never seen anything like it before, and I'd been around the block. Hell, I'd gotten body-slammed by the unexpected so often they'd probably named a whole wing of the Warden hospital after me.

I backpedaled, fast, and then dropped the concentration that held me so far up in the aetheric. My body was like a massive anchor, heavy without the use of power to hold me away from it, and gravity kicked in hard. I snapped and fell across thousands of miles of open water and air, and as I was pulled back toward my physical form, I saw something peculiar happen in the clouds.

I saw them turn a particularly poisonous shade of green, with jagged black edges. It was eerie and beautiful and alien, the green of a toxic emerald, and I wondered what kind of power could do that to a natural force.

Nothing I could wield, or would want to face.

I slammed back into flesh, and my knees gave way. The deck of the balcony was hard, and it hurt to hit it even though I grabbed the railing for support. That's going to leave a mark, I thought, but I was used to that, at least. I was more focused on the green color of those clouds, and then, belatedly, on the lancing pain that ripped through my left leg, from heel up to hip. I rose and put my weight on it, thinking it was some kind of cramp; the entire limb spasmed, shook, and gave way as if my electrical system had just cut out like a bad engine.

I clung to the railing, waiting for something.... It reminded me of the sensation you get when your leg goes to sleep, but I didn't feel any tingle or prickling of blood returning to feed the nerves.

It was just numb.

Come on,I thought, exasperated. The exasperation faded. The numbness didn't. I kept trying to put my weight on my leg, and it kept folding up on me like cheap paper.

Okay, now I was scared. What the hell? I plunked myself down on the balcony deck, legs extended, and massaged the numb leg, starting at my thigh. It was eerie. My fingers touched flesh, but that was the only feedback there was. It could have been someone else's leg entirely.

And then, with a snap, everything came back online, as if the nerve channels had just been switched on again. No slow awakening, just a sudden shock of pain and heat that made me cry out, and then it was all just... normal.

I stood up, clinging to the railing, and tested the leg.

It hurt, but it held.

I limped back into the living area and stretched out on the sofa, probing my leg for anything that seemed oddly shaped, broken, or otherwise bizarre. Except for the continued random firing of pain through my nerves, everything seemed intact.

It faded, after a few minutes. I stood and cautiously walked around the room, careful to stay within grabbing distance of major pieces of furniture. Walk it off, Baldwin. I'd had worse. Hell, I'd had worse just yesterday. But it bothered me, because it shouldn't have happened. Nothing was supposed to hurt me in aetheric form, certainly not echoed down into my flesh-and-blood form.

Unsettling. It just didn't feel right.

I didn't want to, but I knew I had to mention it to Lewis. Every odd thing that happened to me increased the chances that I would end up confined to quarters, or tranquilized in the brig, if this floating casino had one of those. But this didn't seem like something I should keep to myself.

I checked the clock. I was due at the Wardens meeting.

"Cher!" I yelled to her closed door. "I'm out!" I don't think she heard over the aircraft-carrier roar of her blow-dryer.

I put on my sadly wrinkled, salt-stained, and badly-in-need-of-laundering clothes, grabbed the map, and went to wage war with evil.

Chapter Three

The map was confusing. That was all right; there were plenty of staff members around.

Seems that the cruise line and the Wardens had thrown around a hell of a lot of talk about triple pay and hazard pay and bonuses, and as a result, the current passenger complement was Copyright 2016 - 2024