Can't Slow Down - Lizzie Hart Stevens Page 0,23

don’t work on Mondays because the track is closed, so there’s no rush to get out of bed this morning.

I place my phone back on the night stand and clasp my hands together behind my head. I’m staring up at the ceiling, playing possible scenarios through my head of who this visitor is and how this day is going to go. None of them are good. I close my eyes thinking maybe I should try to go back to sleep.

Just as I start to drift off, I feel Lexi’s finger lightly tracing over one of the tattoos on my chest. I must have woken her up talking on the phone.

“Mm, good morning, beautiful. Sorry if I woke you.”

I look over at Lexi. She is lying on her side with her head propped up on her hand with a smile spread across her freckle-dusted cheeks.

“Good morning, yourself. You didn’t wake me. Why do you think you did?”

She continues to trace my tattoos and I squirm a little. It kind of tickles, but I don’t want her to stop so I don’t say anything. The black sheet is draped over her curves and the sun shining through the blinds causes an aura of light behind her, highlighting her auburn hair.

I take a deep breath and sigh.

“Aunt Sarah called. She wants us at her place at ten this morning. She wants to meet you and she has someone coming that she wants me to meet, but she didn’t tell me who it was.” I roll my eyes. “Don’t worry; we won’t be staying long if I can help it.” I lean over and kiss her forehead.

Lexi props herself up on her forearms and stares at me intently for a moment, studying my face.

“Why don’t you want to go?” She frowns.

I guess my eye roll gave it away.

“You don’t want to meet my aunt, Lex. She’s a bitter woman and she has a strong dislike for people like us.”

“What is that supposed to mean, ‘people like us’?” Her brows furrow.

I glance down between her arms at her beautiful breasts swaying there and lick my lips.

“Your tits are very distracting right now and I’m trying really hard to be serious here.” I smirk.

Lexi sits up quickly; crossing her legs underneath herself and pulling the sheet up to cover her chest, and then playfully slaps me on the arm.

“Coen.” She sighs.

Fuck, I love it when she says my name.

“Sorry.” I brush a strand of hair behind her ear and grin. “What I meant was,” I say as my grin fades, “she pretty much automatically dislikes anyone that has ink.”

“Coen, I got these tattoos for me, and no one else. And I’m sure you did the same with yours. I’m used to the sneers and dirty looks. And in case you haven’t noticed, I kinda . . . like you. A lot. So she isn’t going to scare me off, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“I kinda like you, too, Lex. I know you’re tough, but please remember not to take anything she says to heart. She talks down to everyone to make herself feel better.”

“Stop worrying, Coen. It will be fine.” She looks a little annoyed with me.

I kiss the top of her forehead and she smiles.

“Why don’t you go ahead and shower. I’ll go whip us up some breakfast and will get my shower after we eat.”

“I could get used to this having a man cook for me thing, ya know.” Her eyes are locked on mine as she brushes her fingertips along my jawline and gently kisses my lips.

She spins around and tosses the sheet at me as she gets out of bed. She gathers her clothes and starts to head towards the door but stops when I reply.

“You better get use to it, sweet cheeks, because I don’t think I can ever let you go.” My voice is just above a whisper as I rub the back of my neck with one hand, but I know she heard me.

She’s standing at the doorway of my bedroom, naked, holding her clothes in front of chest. Her auburn hair is still a mess from last night, and fuck me if she doesn’t look like Heaven. She slowly covers her mouth with one hand. It’s as if she wants to say something. She stares at me for a moment; her brown eyes are large and bright. Steadily, she lowers her hand from her mouth and starts to open it, but instead of saying anything she gives Copyright 2016 - 2024