Can't Slow Down - Lizzie Hart Stevens Page 0,12


“Catch ya later, Boss!” Charlie shouts, and I wave in acknowledgment.

“‘Your girl,’ huh?” Lexi asks teasingly.

“You’re not?” I tease back.

“Yeah, I suppose I am, since you rescued me and all.” She smiles.

When we make our way over to the pits there are about thirty different Mustangs lined up, ranging anywhere from a 1968 Fastback to a 2014 Shelby GT500 like Lexi’s. They’re all here for the local annual Mustang Club Car Show. I usually only come in to help oversee things for actual race nights, but when I looked at the schedule and remembered the Mustang show was today, I knew I had to bring Lexi.

Her brown eyes light up like she’s a kid seeing all her gifts on Christmas morning.

“Holy shit, Coen! This is bad ass. Are they racing?” She sounds hopeful.

“No, babe, just a show and shine. But I thought you’d love to come check it out for a few minutes.”

She throws her arms around me in a quick hug.

“I’m so glad you brought me,” she exclaims. “I had no idea there was a local club just for Mustang owners. This is great!”

“I’m glad you’re happy.” I smile. “We have a half-hour private showing until Charlie opens the gates to let the public in, and then I’m having some of you for lunch.” I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively.

Lexi playfully slaps me on the arm.

“I thought you said you were going to behave yourself,” she whispers as we walk slowly down the path between the cars, appreciating each one as we pass. The owners really put a lot of time into making sure they are absolutely sparkling clean. You could probably eat off the engines.

“I’m doing my best to behave, sweet cheeks, but I’m finding it hard to convince my dick to do the same. If my dick had its way, I’d take you right now on the hood of that green 2002 Cobra.” I point, talking just loud enough for Lexi to hear me.

“Well if all these other guys weren’t here, I’d probably let you,” she taunts jovially.

We continue walking around the pit area, chatting with a few of the car owners along the way. Lexi is like a little kid in a toy store, pointing out all of the modifications that she’d like to do to her own Mustang someday. Seeing how happy she is in this moment warms my soul.

She seems to have put the hell she went through last night into the back of her mind, if only for this moment, and I’m so thankful for that.

“You know what?” She clasps her hand into mine. “I think I want scissor doors on my car now.”

I chuckle. I just can’t get enough of her excitement right now.

“Really, sweet cheeks?” I give her a quizzical look. “Scissor doors are kind of a Lamborghini thing.”

She stops walking and looks up at me with a glare and raises an eyebrow, dropping her hand from mine.

Pointing off to our left, she says, “Well that Cobra over there has them. I dare you to go tell its owner that.”

She crosses her arms and shifts her weight to one hip.

God it turns me on when she gets sassy.

I shake my head and grin. “Lex, I was kidding. I just wanted to see if I could get a little rise out of you.” I laugh as she playfully slugs me in the arm again.

Without warning I grab her by the ass and pick her up. She quickly throws her arms around my neck to hang on.

“Coen! What are you doing? I’m not a child, put me down,” she shouts as I carry her back out to my car. Thank goodness Charlie is nowhere around because I’m not stopping to chat right now. I’ve tried to hold back all morning but fuck if I don’t want Lexi bad right now. She’s made it clear she wants me just as much.

“Believe me, sweet cheeks, I definitely know you aren’t a child.”

Once I make it over to where the Hellcat is parked I set Lexi down on her feet and turn her so that she’s facing the car. I slip my hand down the front of her shorts and find that she’s already wet for me, and I growl in her ear.

“I can’t hold back any longer, Lex.” I circle her clit with my middle finger. “If you want me to stop, you better tell me now because once I get started this is going to be hard and fast.” I suck on her earlobe and Copyright 2016 - 2024