Can't Let Go - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,48

wasn’t to say that she and Logan hadn’t had problems.

But as she stared at the photo, she found them hard to remember. All she could think of was his kiss.

Chapter Eight

Logan unloaded the rest of the boxes while Abby arranged the shipping information inside the post office. They had already met with a real estate agent to put the house on the market, and Abby had spent the majority of her night cleaning the house—much to Logan’s annoyance, once he had discovered that she had stayed much longer than a few minutes, as she had promised.

It was hard to believe that already a week had gone by since she’d arrived. Soon she would be returning home—back to her life. Her life that was going to be very different now that it didn’t include Rumor. She wondered what it was going to be like—how she was going to go on through her daily routine without including Hayley.

She wondered if it was going to be difficult to relegate thoughts of Logan Sheppard to the back of her mind, as it had been the first time around. She wondered if Eric would notice.

Logan was leaving in a few short hours. Abby was beginning to accept the idea that she would never see him again, almost welcoming it. She needed to create some distance—it was the only way she would be able to let go. She wouldn’t be able to move on with her life until he was out of it.

She would be following soon thereafter—flying out from Louisville rather than Nashville this time. The extra half-hour would allow her some time to cope with what she was leaving behind—and she was sure she would need it.

After paying the fees, she stepped out into the fresh air, breathing it in. It was going to be difficult to leave all of this behind, she mused, knowing she wasn’t just talking about the natural beauty of the state. “So I guess that’s it then.” His voice startled her and she jumped, her eyes fluttering open. She’d brought back her sunglasses, needing the extra protection they gave her.

“I guess this is it,” she repeated, nodding. A breeze lifted her hair from her shoulders, but she stayed still. “I just—” Her throat was closing up, tears threatening to come. She took a deep breath. “I just wanted to say thanks, Logan—you know, for being here.”

“I’m just sorry it was under such horrible circumstances.”

“That’s life,” Abby said with a shrug. “Thanks for all of your help.”

“You should know I’d do just about anything for you, Abby.”

“Just about anything,” she repeated, tears now in her eyes. His words were a reminder of the one thing he couldn’t do—and that was stay.

He hadn’t been able to stay for her.

A tear escaped, rolling down her cheek, escaping the sunglasses. Logan reached forward and wiped it away, allowing his hand to linger just a moment longer than necessary. Abby felt herself unwillingly lean into it, burning the memory into her mind. She needed something to hold on to—anything to remind her that it had all been real.

“We don’t have to do this, Abby.”

“Oh, Logan,” she reached up then, taking his hand in hers and drawing it to her lips. She kissed the back of his hand very gently before releasing it. “Yes, we do.”

“Abby—” She shook her head, backing away.

“Go on, Logan. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”

“But I—” Another breeze stirred, causing Abby’s hair to whip around wildly. She was continuing to back away from him, creating more and more distance. “I love you, Abigail Lewis.” He said quietly. And though he knew she couldn’t have heard him, she paused, taking one last look, before turning around and disappearing out of sight. He watched, waiting for her car to leave the parking lot—hoping against all odds that she would change her mind and return to him.

But a few moments later, he saw her familiar silver rental pull into view. He watched as she hesitated for a moment before turning out into traffic, disappearing among the various other vehicles.

She was gone—it was over.

Logan tried to ignore the sudden ache in his chest, but it coursed through his veins, taking him over.

Finally, he drew in a long, ragged breath before descending the stairs and heading to his truck. His flight would be leaving soon and he still had quite a drive to the airport. But he seemed to lack any motivation to go on. The thought of returning to his life—his Copyright 2016 - 2024