Can't Let Go - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,29

really loved him, it wouldn’t make a single bit of difference if he did or not.”

A moment passed between them then. Each knew that her comment was a reference to the past—an allusion to what could have been. It was the closest she could bring herself to acknowledging their former life. Logan’s eyes instantly clouded over and she wondered what he was thinking about.


“What about you?” She interrupted, breaking the gaze and taking a drink of her own coffee, trying not to cringe at the taste.

She knew that he was about to bring up their past. She knew that he was going to make some sort of effort to convince her about why they wouldn’t have worked. But she couldn’t hear it—and more importantly, she didn’t want to. Abby had already been over all of the reasons. It had taken her some time to come to terms with what was, and she was definitely in no position to rehash all of that. Not now, and especially not with him.

He seemed thrown off by her question for just the briefest moment, but finally, he responded, shaking his head. “No—I’m starting to think that marriage isn’t in the cards for me.”

“You always were a tough one to tie down.”

“Yeah, but you figured it out.” He looked up, trying to find her eyes again. But she refused, her eyes now trained on something on the other side of the window they sat beside.

“Not quite.” Her voice was so soft, he barely heard her, and Logan felt a fresh lashing of sorrow across his heart. If only she knew.

She fell quiet again and Logan could tell she was lost in thought. He longed to know what it was she was thinking about. He could guess, of course, based on the topic of their conversation. But he wished he could ask. He wished she would tell him.

The waitress arrived a few moments later with their food and Abby turned, offering a very small smile in her direction—out of politeness. She’d always been a polite sort of girl. He watched as she took the first bite, closing her eyes. Her expression relaxed and Logan knew she was enjoying it.

“We should make some picture-boards. You know, collages or something.” Her voice startled him several minutes later and he looked up, catching her eyes for a brief moment before she glanced away. Even without the sunglasses, she was shielding herself from him. “It just seems like—with all of the photos they took—”

“No, it’s a really good idea. If you want, I can swing back by and grab some of them.”

“Maybe I’ll call Eric and see if he can overnight some of mine out this way. They won’t make it here in time for the viewing, but the funeral…” Her voice caught in her throat for a moment. Logan only nodded, averting his eyes this time, and Abby felt just a bit guilty for mentioning Eric once again. “I can put them together—”

“I can help—”

“No, no—it’s fine. Really—I want to do it.” Images ran through her mind from her friendship with Hayley—countless memories. She was trying to remember which were actually caught on film. “Do you have any of you and Blake?” She asked, suddenly needing a distraction from the happy memories flying through her mind.

“Whatever I have is here. Blake was holding on to most of my stuff until I could get settled some place.” Logan paused. “How about I bring whatever I can find by your room tonight?”

“Thanks, Logan. That’d be great.” Abby said after a moment had passed, meaning it.

The rest of the meal was eaten in silence, each of them lost among their thoughts.

And for just the briefest of moments, Abby allowed herself to imagine that this—that a late lunch or early dinner—with Logan was completely natural. As if it happened every day.

She didn’t fail to notice the sense of calmness it provided her.

Chapter Five

Abby stood near the doorway, a faux smile on her face as she greeted various newcomers. It was the day of the viewing and she stood near the back of the room, far away from the caskets that held her friends.

The viewing was to last for a total of six hours, from two-o’clock until eight. Only half-way through and already Abby had been greeted by many friends of Hayley and Blake—most of whom already knew who she was. She had been hugged by various strangers, had been told many stories about her friends, and had been offered assistance by people she Copyright 2016 - 2024