Can't Let Go - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,24

mind. She did her best to work through the knots, standing under the hot spray until it began to turn cold. Finally, she turned off the water and wrapped a towel around her small frame.

The mirror had fogged over and she sighed, deciding to go to the living area to ready herself for the day to follow. She knew that setting foot inside the house that she’d created so many memories in with her friends was going to be difficult. And doing it alongside the only man ever to break her heart?

Next to impossible.

Logan had told her he would swing by around noon so that they could stop by the house and then get the required items to the funeral home as soon as possible. She had agreed, not simply out of practicality—but out of an emotional need. Getting this part over and done with quickly was probably the best for her own personal preservation. It would be like ripping off a band aid.

At least that’s what she told herself.

She wore a pair of jeans and a plain white shirt with a casual black blazer. When a knock sounded at the door, she grabbed the sunglasses she’d come to rely on and tossed them on, preparing to face the day ahead.

He was dressed casually himself—a pair of jeans and a gray t-shirt. An image of him returning home—tan and sweaty from spending his day working construction—conjured in her mind. She pushed it away as she tried to ignore the way her heart responded to his mere presence.

“Ready?” He asked, and she nodded, tossing her purse over her shoulder and pulling the door shut behind her. It took all the will-power she could muster to keep the thoughts that had plagued her throughout the night and even this morning from her mind. “How did you sleep?”

Abby made a noise to signal that the question wasn’t even worth answering. “Yeah, I thought so.” He nodded, opening the truck door for her and allowing her inside before allowing himself in on the other side. “I think those sheets are made out of dried grass or something.”

“It wasn’t the sheets.” She said, shaking her head. She knew he was just trying to make her smile, but she couldn’t.

“You’ve got to sleep, Abby.”

“I am.” She responded. Sure, she’d only gotten about four hours worth in the last forty-eight. But that was better than nothing. “I could say the same to you.”

“I am.” She glanced over at him from the corner of her eye. He looked just about as miserable as he had the day before—a bit less scruffy now, but the circles beneath his eyes were darker than they had been. She guessed Logan had gotten about as much sleep as she had. “It’s so nice down here.”

“It’s quiet,” Abby agreed, nodding. She didn’t fail to notice the change of subject, but she didn’t mind it either. “I could see myself doing something like this.” Some time ago, she’d even fantasized about it. Dropping everything and starting fresh some place quiet and beautiful. Peaceful. “Especially after living in L.A. for so long, now.”

“Hayley said you’d gone back to school there.” Abby nodded, still not looking at him.

“I got my Masters from Stanford.” She told him and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Logan nodding beside her.

“I’m actually in California now, too”

The knowledge was startling. She turned to face him as he navigated what seemed to be familiar territory for him. “Temporarily anyway.”

“You live in L.A.?” She asked, the shock barely evident in her voice. Even less evident was the wounded undertone, but never the less, it was there.

“Well, Sacramento.” He nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. She was grateful, knowing the expression on her face was one of shock. “I’ve been there for about a year now. My company keeps sending me all over the place—but I think my next move is my last one.”

Logan had been there for a year and he hadn’t once looked her up? He hadn’t once come to see her?

And Hayley? She had never once mentioned Logan was living in the same state as Abby. Her head swam.

“Sounds like you’re doing well.” Abby heard the words come out of her mouth, though she didn’t feel connected to them. “I’m glad to hear it.” She added after a moment, meaning it. She’d always known Logan was full of potential.

“You haven’t been doing too bad yourself, from what I hear.” Logan actually sounded almost proud as he spoke Copyright 2016 - 2024