Can't Let Go - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,2

she was literally glowing.

Abby glanced at her own reflection. The fair yellow of the simple summer dress she wore brought out the natural tones of her hair and the brightness of her pale green eyes. Her hair was held up in a messy array of curls and waves. She knew she paled in comparison to her best friend, but then again, hadn’t that always been the case?

“Let’s go get me married,” Hayley said with a deep breath, her blue eyes shimmering.

When they finally emerged from Abby’s small Hawaiian cottage, they found a limo with two men standing beside it, awaiting the young women’s arrival. The adoration the men felt was obvious in their expressions as they caught notice of the two beauties heading their way.

Abby watched as Blake’s eyes wandered over his bride-to-be for the first time. The couple smiled at each other from a distance before Blake stepped forward to meet Hayley, taking her hands in his and lightly kissing her forehead. He was quite a handsome man, with sandy-brown hair and matching eyes, dressed in a nice tuxedo—yet somehow still managing to look casual.

The two were a stunning couple.

Her eyes found Logan’s a moment later, her heart fluttering excitedly in her chest. He was dressed in a pair of simple black pants with an untucked white dress shirt and a black tie—the perfect image of an effortless, laid-back confidence.

Logan always exuded a certain arrogance, as if he truly believed himself to be above everyone else, but Abby knew better. She knew the real Logan—the boy who, deep down, was terrified he would never amount to anything. But she had faith. Logan would, someday, realize his potential too.

He held his hand out to her and she took it willingly, smiling warmly in his direction. “You really do look incredible,” he whispered in her ear as she leaned against him. A flush rose in her cheeks as happiness rushed through her.

“Thank you,” she whispered, bringing his hand to her lips so that she could kiss the back of it. He held her eyes as she smiled up at him, only the faintest hint of the sadness she’d grown accustomed to seeing shining back at her.

And it was in that moment, her eyes holding his, that she realized she would never be able to live her life without Logan at her side.

The thought of being apart from him—of not seeing those beautiful gray eyes every morning, or that casual smile of his whenever he thought something was funny—of not feeling the warmth of his chest as he held her, or the way her heart responded with even the faintest touch…just the mere thought was enough send an ache so devastating through her chest that she struggled to breathe for a moment.

She loved him.

Whatever the consequences, she could take them.

Abby glanced toward Hayley and Blake, who were so happy they were glowing…and she knew that, so long as Logan was with her, she would have all that she needed.

Nothing else would matter, so long as he was at her side.

The driver of the limo appeared then, shattering the moment. Abby quickly averted her eyes, fearful that Logan would see the certainty—and more so, the need—she now felt. She couldn’t let him know—not yet.

She knew how he would respond.

Grateful that the moment was over, Abby smiled at the driver as he held the door of the limousine open to allow the two couples inside. It was a short drive—a limo really unnecessary. But Hayley had insisted. It was her parents’ treat—a wedding present, Hayley called it, as the majority of the trip was. But deep down, Abby knew it was Hayley’s way of throwing their blatant disapproval of her choices back in their face just one last time.

And so, in true Hayley fashion—she spared no expense. Private cottages, private beaches, limo rides, a designer wedding gown…she’d gone above and beyond to make sure it would be a memorable occasion, for those present, and those who had refused to attend.

When they arrived at their destination, Abby found herself breathless as she considered the beauty of the scene in front of her. They were on the Waimanalo beach, the sun just beginning to set in the background. The mingled scent of salt and the sweet perfume of flowers washed over her and she closed her eyes for a moment, allowing everything to soak in.

She wanted to remember all of it—every little detail.

There on the beach in front of them was a small wooden arch with Copyright 2016 - 2024