Can't Hurry Love (Sunshine Valley #1) - Melinda Curtis Page 0,133

and had darted toward the library. In her rush, she must’ve forgotten to turn off her lights.

“I’ll call Jere’s Shop. He can jump your battery or tow it back to your house,” Paris said.

Lacy considered the plan. “I can just wait here for him and drive it back myself.”

“Jere is dependable but slow. You don’t need to be out here waiting for him all evening. Leave your keys in the ignition, and I’ll take you home.”

Lacy looked at the helmet that Paris now extended toward her, her brain searching for another option. She didn’t want to be here all night. She could call one of her sisters, but they would then follow her inside, and she didn’t want to deal with them after the day she’d had either.

She got out of the car and took the helmet. “Okay,” she said, shaking her head no.

This made Paris laugh as he led her to his bike. “You are one big contradiction, Lacy Shaw.”

* * *

Paris straddled his bike and waited for Lacy to take the seat behind him. He glanced over his shoulder as she wrung her hands nervously. She seemed to be giving herself a pep talk, and then she lunged, as if forcing herself, and straddled the seat behind him.

Paris grinned and waited for another long second. “You know, you’re going to have to wrap your arms around my waist for the ride.”

“Right,” he heard her say in a muffled voice. Her arms embraced him, clinging more tightly as he put the motorcycle in motion. Before he was even down the road, Lacy’s grasp on him was so tight that her head rested on his back. He kind of liked the feel of her body hugging his, even if it was because she was scared for her life.

He knew the way to her house, but at the last second, he decided to take a different route. Lacy didn’t speak up, so he guessed her eyes were shut tightly, blocking out the streets that zipped past.

Instead of taking her home, he drove her to the park, where the hot spring was. There were hiking trails and a hot dog vendor too. On her profile, Lacy had said those were among her favorite things, and after this afternoon, she deserved a few guilty pleasures.

He pulled into the parking lot and cut the engine. Slowly, Lacy peeled her body away from him. He felt her shift as she looked around.

She removed her helmet. “Why are we at the park?”

Paris glanced back. “Surprise. I thought I’d take your mind off things before I took you home.”

She stared at him, a dumbfounded expression creasing her brow. “Why the park?”

“Because you love to take long hikes. And hot dogs, so I thought we’d grab a couple afterward. I didn’t wear my hiking boots, but these will work for a quick half mile down the trail. Your profile mentioned that you love the hot spring here.”

Lacy blinked. “You read my dating profile?”

“Great late-night reading.” He winked.

She drew her hand to her forehead and shook her head. Something told him this time the head shake wasn’t a yes. “Most of the information on my profile was exaggerated by the ladies’ group. Apparently, they didn’t think the real Lacy Shaw was interesting enough.”

“You don’t like hiking?”

“I like leisurely walks.”

“Dogs?” he asked.

“Cats are my preference.”

Paris let his gaze roam around them briefly before looking back at her. “What do you like?”

“In general?” she asked.

“Let’s start with food. I’m starving.”

She gave him a hesitant look. “Well, the hot dog part was true, but only because I added that part after they left.”

Paris grinned, finding her adorable and sexy at the same time. “I happen to love a good chili dog. And there’s a stand at the far side of the park.” He waited for her to get off the bike and then he climbed off as well. “Let’s go eat, shall we?”

“Saving someone’s life works up an appetite, I guess.”

“I didn’t save Mrs. Townsend’s life,” he said as they walked. “I just kept her alive so someone else could do that.”

From the corner of his eye, he saw Lacy fidgeting.

He reached for her hand to stop the motion. “I brought you here to take your mind off that situation. Let’s talk about something light.”


“You? Why did you let the Ladies’ Day Out group make you a dating profile if you don’t want to be on the site?”

Lacy laughed softly as they stepped into a short line for hot dogs. “Have you Copyright 2016 - 2024