Can't Help Falling in Love - Samantha Chase Page 0,78

You think I’m making a mistake.”

“Do you think you’re making a mistake?”

Violet closed her suitcase and turned to stare at Katie. “Don’t do that. Don’t answer my question with a question.”

“Technically, you didn’t ask me a question.”


“Okay, fine. I think you’re making a mistake. I think you hit a bump in the road and you’re running.” She sighed. “And I’m not going to say I told you so, but…I do recall having a conversation with you about this and telling you this is your M.O.”

“It’s not like that. Not this time,” she argued, placing the luggage on the floor. “He’s completely inflexible! Like the thought of leaving his precious town paralyzes him! I’m not asking him to climb Everest or to bungee jump off of the Macau Tower, for crying out loud! I asked him to come to Nashville and see the city!”

“What’s the Macau Tower?”

“Seriously? That’s what you’re focusing on?” With a huff of annoyance, she answered, “It’s the highest bungee jump in the world. Now, can we please get back to the topic at hand?”

“Sue me for being curious. I’m not as worldly as you.” And yes, there was a lot of sarcasm in that one statement.

“I was more than ready to take the leap, Kate!” She began to pace the small room. “And you know that wasn’t easy for me! I had started looking at real estate back home to see what I could sell the townhouse for!”

“I know, but…”

“I was willing to relocate my entire life here to Magnolia Sound to be with Hunter and Eli!”

“Yes, I know that too, but…”

“All I was asking was for him to be willing to come to Nashville! Not even for the long-term, and I certainly never would have suggested that he pick up and move there, but he wouldn’t even consider coming for a damn weekend! I refuse to be the only one giving and sacrificing! It’s not reasonable!” And before Katie could comment, Violet quickly added, “And this is not about me running away or sabotaging anything! This is about Hunter not being flexible about anything!”

You could have heard a pin drop in the room and it was a stark contrast to the last several minutes. Violet was breathless and full of nervous energy and she didn’t know what to do with herself.

“May I speak now?” Katie quietly asked, and all Violet could do was nod. “I get that you’re upset and rightfully so. But I also believe you owe it to yourself and to Hunter to sit down and talk to him.”

“I don’t think it’s going to make a difference. Yesterday he…”

“He was at his brother’s wedding, Violet. Frankly, it was stupid on his part to even bring the subject up in the middle of such a big family celebration.” Grabbing Violet’s hand, she tugged her down onto the bed to sit beside her. “I don’t want you to have any regrets, and I think if you leave without trying to talk to Hunter, you’ll regret it.”

“Or…Hunter and I both were living in a bubble. A temporary bubble,” Violet said miserably. “And the thing about bubbles? They burst.” She sighed wearily as she rested her head on Katie’s shoulder.

“You have to know this was a big step for Hunter. Brian and I have known him for a while and…neither of us remember him getting serious with anyone. His ex really did a number on him, and he’s kind of obsessive about who he brings around Eli. But with you, he was different–more relaxed and happier than I’ve ever seen him.”

“So what are you saying? He deserves a pass because he’s been hurt?” She straightened. “We’ve all been hurt. And you know, we can make a list of who’s been hurt more, but at the end of the day, it won’t matter. He talked about wanting a future with me, but if he’s still clinging to what happened in his past and using it as an excuse to stay cocooned in his safe little world, then what kind of future can we have?”

“All relationships take work, Vi.”

“I get that, but they also have to have compromise from both parties. I deserve more than someone who refuses to give even an inch.”

The sad look on Katie’s face told her everything she needed to know.

She was about to say that she was planning on leaving today after lunch when her phone dinged with an incoming text. When she picked it up and swiped the screen, she saw it was from Copyright 2016 - 2024