Can't Help Falling in Love - Samantha Chase Page 0,64

I had planned.” She paused. “Okay, not quite as I planned. I’ve got the wedding to go to with him next weekend and then I plan on staying for another week.”

“Really?” Katie asked excitedly.

“Yeah, but…don’t be upset with me…”

“Oh, lord. Now what?”

“I’m going to stay at the B&B.”

“Why? There’s no reason for you to do that!”

“Kate, your husband just came home after being deployed. I’m sure he’d like to ease back into his home life with you and the kids without a houseguest.” And before Katie could argue, Violet held up a hand to stop her. “You know it’s true. The last thing I want is to feel like a fifth wheel. I think we can both agree I’ve had enough of that in my life. So…just let me do this, okay?”

Luckily, her friend didn’t argue, but her face showed her displeasure.

“Believe me, I have loved having this time with you–just having the time for it to just be the girls and hanging out like we used to. But if it wasn’t for the wedding, I would probably be leaving today. Or maybe even yesterday, so…”

“That has nothing to do with you going to stay at the B&B. Although, I have to admit, I’m a little envious. That place is gorgeous and I’ve secretly been wanting to stay there–even though it’s so close to home.”

“Then why don’t you?”

The only way to describe the look on Kate’s face was confused.

And maybe laced with a little pity.

“Um…I have kids, Vi. You don’t just pick up and go away for the weekend when you’re a parent. And on top of that, the B&B has only been open for a year, and during most of that time, I’ve been pregnant, Brian’s been deployed, and…oh, yeah, I have Kira!” Shaking her head, she laughed. “I know you don’t think picking up and going away on vacation–even one close to home–is a big deal, but it’s not always easy to do. And before Rose moved here, there was no one to watch Kira overnight.”

“Yeah, okay, maybe,” she agreed. Sort of. “But you probably could have asked a friend to watch Kira or even just invited Rose for the weekend before Brian deployed.”

“Do you even hear yourself? Why would I make Rose fly here for a weekend just so Brian and I could go someplace a mile up the road for the night?”

Violet had heard enough, and this was getting her nowhere. She went to stand up, and this time Kate didn’t stop her.

But her words did.

“Would I love to travel more? Yes. But being a parent to Kira and now to Benjamin means more to me. They’re only little for such a short amount of time. Why would I want to keep pawning them off on other people for my own selfish needs?”

“Selfish needs? Kate, you have children, you’re not a prisoner in your own home, for crying out loud! There’s nothing wrong with taking a little time for yourself! If anything, it would help you de-stress a little and probably make you an even better parent!”

“You may not believe this, but I can de-stress by taking a nice long bubble bath after the kids are asleep or curling up with a good book.” She shrugged. “You’re into travel–it’s your livelihood–so I know why you’re so passionate about promoting it. But my house?” She motioned to the space around her. “It’s a pretty great place to be. And when the kids are a little older, we will go on vacations–some with the kids, some without. But for now, I want to be here with them.”

Oh, God…is that how Hunter felt when I talked about us going away together? Is that why he changed the subject?

Before she could go down the rabbit hole with that thought, Kate was speaking again.

“So what did you have to think about? I mean, if you think this is just a fling and Hunter doesn’t mean anything, then why get away for the night?”

No one other than Katie dared to question her like this.

And, unfortunately, she was also the only person who got Violet to open up.

“That’s the conclusion I came to after having the night to myself,” she said, walking to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee.

Like a ninja, her friend was beside her. “And before you came to that stupid and completely ridiculous conclusion…”

“Why don’t you tell me how you really feel, Kate?” she mocked while putting her coffee pod in the machine.

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