Can't Help Falling in Love - Samantha Chase Page 0,44

to Nashville and already has her next big travel trip planned. So…” He let out a long breath. “I just thought it would be okay to ask her to come to the wedding as my date. I didn’t want to be the only one there going stag.”

“Um…I don’t have a date,” his father said, and Hunter both loved him for it and wanted to explain how that statement wasn’t helping anything.

“Yeah, I’m not bringing anyone either,” Kyle said. “Because, let’s face it, Courtney’s got some hot single friends and who knows? I may get lucky.”

Everyone groaned.

“Kyle, please try to not be that guy,” Courtney groaned.

“What guy?”

“The smarmy guy who hits on the bridesmaids or single women at a wedding. It’s sad,” she explained.


“No buts,” Dean interjected. “Just…don’t.”

Frowning, Kyle looked around the table before blurting out, “Weren’t we focusing on Hunter and his secret girlfriend?”

“She’s not secret,” Hunter countered. “We’re just…this is temporary. If it’s that big of a deal, I don’t have to bring her. I just thought…”

“No one said you couldn’t bring her,” Courtney corrected. “I think she’s amazing, and I’m a little bummed she’s not staying because she’d be really cool to hang out with.”

“Really?” Scarlett cried. “Like someone we can take to lunch and get mani-pedis with?”

“Exactly!” Courtney agreed. “I mean, you and I will always be BFF’s, but I think Violet would be an awesome addition to our little group.”

“As long as she doesn’t try to steal you away…”

Things were spiraling, and he had no idea how to stop it.

Fortunately, his brother Dean had his back. “No one’s stealing your BFF, Scar. Violet’s just really nice, and trust me, you’ll like her too.” Then he looked at Kyle, sternly. “And you? Keep it in your pants at the wedding or I will have to kick your ass.” Next, he turned to Hunter. “We’re thrilled you invited Violet to the wedding, and for what it’s worth, we all think it’s great you’re so happy. And hopefully, she’ll stick around after Katie and Brian’s baby arrives.”

Yeah, so did he, but he wasn’t going to say that here with this crowd.

“So…everything set for the wedding?” he asked in hopes of the topic turning toward something other than him.

Luckily, it worked.

For the remainder of the dinner, conversation flowed, and no one brought up Violet–or his dating life–again.

Until he was getting ready to leave and his father walked out to the car with him and Eli.

“Everything okay, Hunter?”

“Uh, yeah. Why?”

“You just got a little defensive in there over dinner. You know no one meant any harm.”

He nodded. “I know, Dad. It’s just…I don’t know, after everything that happened with Melissa–how everyone warned me I was making a mistake–the last thing I want is anyone offering any opinions on my relationships. And I certainly don’t want anyone pointing out how they think I’m making another mistake.”

“Do you think you’re making a mistake?”

Do I?

“Honestly, Dad? I don’t know. It doesn’t feel like a mistake, but…” he let out a long breath. “Other people have casual relationships with no regrets and don’t call it a mistake, so…why can’t I?”

“Because you’re not like most people, Hunter. You give 100% of yourself–you lead with your heart–and that’s not a bad thing. So for you to be involved with this girl, you must have feelings for her.”

“I do, but…”

“She’s not staying.”


“And yet you knew that from the get-go and you still got involved.”

All he could do was nod.

Reaching out, Dominic Jones placed a reassuring hand on his son’s shoulder. “You know it’s going to hurt when she leaves.”

“I know,” he replied lowly.

“And know we’re all here for you. Your brothers and sister may like to poke fun at you, but they love you and just want to see you happy.”

“I know that too.”

“Well, it wouldn’t hurt you to laugh at yourself a little.” Then he gave him a small clap on the back. “How about you let Eli spend the night again next weekend? Which night do you have off?”

“Unfortunately, I’m working all weekend and I’m doing my twenty-four on Saturday, so if you don’t mind taking him Saturday night, it would be a big help.”

“You can count on me, Hunter. You know I love having Eli over. We watch cartoons and work in the yard, and he even likes my cooking.”

“I’m glad the two of you have fun. And really, thanks, Dad. I appreciate you.”

After a round of hugs and making sure Eli was secured in his car seat, Hunter headed home.

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