Campus Player - Jennifer Sucevic Page 0,74

“It’s supposed to be epic.”

Oh right...

These girls. They’re still here, cooing at Rowan. And there’s not a damn thing I can do about it because I told him that I want to keep everything on the down-low. I can’t stake a claim just because I’m feeling strangely insecure. The air catches at the back of my throat as I’m struck with the realization. That’s exactly what this ugly emotion coursing through me is.


It takes everything I have inside to bite back the moan of displeasure. I’ve never liked anyone enough to feel this strongly. Not even when I found Annica with Justin’s dick stuffed in her mouth did I feel one iota of possessiveness. Honestly, I didn’t care.

“Um, probably not,” Rowan says, knocking me out of those disturbing thoughts.

One of the brunettes thrusts out her lower lip into a pout, making her look like a child on the verge of a tantrum. If she’s going for sexy, she’s completely missed the mark. But then again, maybe this is the kind of behavior guys find attractive. How would I know? It’s not like I’ve ever tried to be alluring. I’m not into acting coy, fluttering my lashes, or sticking my chest out in a bid for attention. That kind of behavior is ridiculous and, quite frankly, beneath me.

“That’s too bad. Parties are always more fun when you’re there,” one of the twins says.

I almost roll my eyes. These girls need to move it along.

As if sensing my annoyance, Rowan clears his throat and points to the textbook on the table. “Sorry, ladies, I hate to cut this short, but we still have a lot of work to plow through.”

Instead of taking the hint, one of the girls peers down at the book. “Oh, is that statistics?” Her eyes light up as she bounces on the tips of her toes. “I could help with that! There’s no reason for you to pay a tutor.”

“Yeah,” the other two girls chime in with excitement. “We’ll all help!”

Oh lord...

Why do I get the feeling it would be like the blind leading the blind?

Rowan quickly shakes his head. “No, Demi is a great tutor, but thanks.”

“Are you sure?” one wheedles.

“Yup, one hundred percent sure.”

“All right. If you change your mind, let us know!”

“Will do.” Rowan presses his lips together and waits for them to leave.

It takes another five minutes before the trio vacates the area. And even then, they settle at a neighboring table and continue to shoot seductive looks at Rowan.

He squeezes my fingers, drawing my attention to him. “You ready to get out of here?”


Rowan glances at the girls who perk up and wave before his gaze slides back to mine. “You know I have zero interest in them, right?”

That’s the thing...

Why wouldn’t he be drawn to them? They’re all beautiful in that airbrushed sort of way. And clearly, they’re sisters who enjoy sharing.

Most guys would be all over that.


“Demi?” His voice deepens, and I blink the errant thoughts away. “You know you’re the only girl I want, right? It’s always been you. And that won’t change any time soon.”

All of the jealousy eating me up from the inside out dissolves.

When it comes down to it, I do know that. Rowan has been nothing if not straightforward and totally honest with me. Unflinchingly so.

I nod, feeling like a jackass. I’m the one who wants to keep this relationship under wraps.

“All you have to do is say the word, and this won’t be a secret any longer.” As if reading my thoughts, he jerks his head toward his admirers. “They’ll be the first ones I tell.”

A slight smile tugs at the corners of my lips. “Soon, I promise.”

“Fine.” He shrugs. “Whenever you’re ready.”

As tempting as it is to take his face in my hands and smack a kiss against his lips in front of everyone, I hold back. What I’ve come to realize is that it’s getting more and more difficult to keep these feelings to myself.

I want them out in the open.

I want us out in the open.

It’s only a matter of time before my need for Rowan overtakes the fear I have of going public.



“Shhhh!” I peek my head inside the darkened apartment to see if Sydney is home. I tried to assess the situation through text, but she failed to respond. Half the time, she spends the night at Ethan’s place.

When they’re not fighting.

A couple of days ago, they got into another spat, but I think they patched things up already. Their Copyright 2016 - 2024