Call of Water (Madame Tan's Freakshow #1) - Marina Simcoe Page 0,36

in on this, too?”

Amira just stared at her, pale and still, as if frozen in horror.

“Well, getting rid of two human corpses wouldn’t be much more difficult than one,” Madame hissed.

I understood perfectly well that mine would be one of the corpses she was talking about. Yet seeing the poor girl ready to pass out from fear, I almost felt sorrier for her than for myself.

“It’s not her fault!” I shouted from my cage.

Amira shot me a warning gaze, panic on her face. Was she worried I would also tell on Radax to Madame?

Damn right, I would. He undoubtedly kept me alive to serve his own agenda. Just because I didn’t know what that was, didn’t mean he wouldn’t act on it when the moment suited him. And I had no doubt whatever it was he wanted with me wouldn’t be nice. If Radax saved me simply out of the goodness of his heart, he could have let me go instead of threatening me and locking me up.

The only reason for my hesitation now was that Madame appeared to be an even bigger evil than Radax, and I owed her no cooperation whatsoever.

Amira yelped when the piglet ran past her, nipping at her ankle. She then bent over quickly, grabbing him in her arms. He squealed, fought against her hold, and bit her hands, but she barely winced at the pain, holding him out to Madame.

Did she hope to pacify her by catching her pet?

If so, it didn’t work.

“Radax!” Madame yelled even louder, snatching the piglet from Amira. “Where, by the bloody river of mists, is that slave?”

“I’m here, Madame.” Radax rushed in, panting, probably from a long run through the textile corridors of the tents. A few more of her men came with him, crowding the small space.

Madame’s gaze fell on me and understanding spread on Radax’s face. Unlike Amira, he did not cower. His chest rose as he drew in some air, his expression resolute.

“I want you to kill these two females right now, in my presence, then explain to me why I have to give the same order twice.” Madame cradled the pig in her arms. The bizarre animal calmed down in her arms, resting its two heads, one in each of the crooks of her elbows.

Radax frowned, darting his gaze from me to Amira.

“Why does Amira need to die?” he asked, obviously accepting my death as a given.

“I found her here with the girl she helped you smuggle—”

“She didn’t,” Radax interrupted. “I made the decision on my own.”

“And why would you do that?” Madame’s voice dropped in volume, somehow sounding even more menacing this way.

“I figured the girl could be useful.”

“How? Pray say.”

He scratched his beard, hesitating.

“She could help Amira take care of things around here.”

“Does Amira need help?”

The girl had squeezed herself into a corner, her gaze flickering between Radax and Madame as the attention of both turned to her.

“With the number of new arrivals we’re having, she could use some help,” Radax replied for her. “There is just too much work to do.”

“Or she could use her time a little more efficiently,” Madame retorted. “The only interaction I want to ever have with humans is when they give me their money. It’s bad enough you’re making me deal with her,” she gestured at Amira, who looked like she wished she was dead already, “You dragged that one in here. Now, you decided to keep this one, too?”

“There is no need to kill the new girl and create mess,” Radax wouldn’t give up. “Make her drink camyte, like the others, and let her go—”

“Camyte is rare and precious. Humans require a large dose. I’m not wasting it on some commoner off the streets just to keep her quiet. Tell me...” She paused, giving him a long stare. “You spoke to her, didn’t you? That’s why you saved her. Out of compassion.”

It sounded like an accusation—a grave one at that as Radax flexed his jaw, his rough features hardened. Amira leaned forward, alarm plastered on her terrified face.

“That is what you will be punished for, slave,” Madame announced, with an eerie flush of crimson in her dark eyes. “For talking, knowing that I forbid it.”

Petting one of the pig’s heads, she kept her unnervingly intense gaze on Radax as everyone in the room stilled.

Radax took a step back then stopped abruptly as if frozen in place. His tattoos started to glow, bright red sparks streaking along the intricate lines. The sparks concentrated around his neck tattoo Copyright 2016 - 2024