The Call of Monsters (My Beautiful Monsters #3) - J.B. Trepagnier Page 0,82

respect that. I’m down if River is.”

River just laughed. She shot me this grateful look like she was glad I asked.

“Oh, I’m totally down for that. Get over here.”

Pavlina and I weren’t even remotely trying to be graceful and smooth as we jumped into bed with River. Maybe eventually being naked with River would lose some of its sheen, but every time was like that first time, and I just had to be with her. I didn’t care how desperate I looked because everyone else in this room was in the same position.

This was just as thrilling as last time. I fought with Pavlina to lick and caress every last inch of River without accidentally brushing against Pavlina. It was hard as fuck because I wanted every last inch of River, and I knew Pavlina wasn’t even going to accept my pinky touching her by accident. I pretty much hated dying, but I was just a tad bit curious about death by massive Black Widow spider. I hoped she knew she couldn’t eat me like her other victims. She wouldn’t hesitate to kill me if I touched her, but that was mostly because she knew I’d rise from the ashes. If I did that in her stomach, she’d die for good.

River shoved me on my back, and I adored it when she got aggressive. I’d even let her tie me up and have her demonic way with me, and I usually wouldn’t let anyone do that. I hissed when she took my cock deep in her throat. The half demon had skills with her mouth.

Pavlina wasn’t one to be left out. She grabbed River’s waist and tilted her down so she could feast on her pussy. I’d been with two nymphs before. If this were a typical threesome where I didn’t have a death threat looming above my head and two women in my bed who were both into men, I would have closed the circle and pleasured Pavlina. I already knew how that would go down, and this was Pavlina we were talking about. She wasn’t a nymph, and even if she was into men, I didn’t particularly want to go down on her. If I hadn’t seen River do it, I would have just assumed her pussy had some of her venom in it, and if you got near it, you died. That wouldn’t be totally shocking. Pavlina was a Black Widow. It was entirely within the realm of possibility her pussy was poisonous.

I forgot all about Pavlina and her poisonous pussy when River deep throated me and squeezed my balls. I’ll give this to the spider—whatever she was doing to River had her moaning and taking it out on my cock. I could get used to this, but Pavlina made damned sure River couldn’t. River shrieked all over my cock as she came. Well, shit. Maybe I could make peace with Pavlina long enough to get some tips on making River come that fast. I usually liked to take my time, but I could use that in my arsenal too. Fast and furious had its place in the bedroom as well.

I brushed River’s soft, black hair out of her eyes.

“You’re pretty fucking amazing. I hope you know that.”

River gave my cock a hard squeeze and licked the tip like candy.

“I need this. Like, right now. And I need to taste Pavlina.”

Pavlina just flopped on the bed and looked at her with this adoring gaze.

“I’m never going to say no to you touching me, River. Get to it, phoenix.”

I don’t know why Pavlina had such a problem with my given name, but phoenix was so much better than pigeon, so I didn’t say a damned thing to ruin this. I grabbed River around the waist and positioned her on all fours, just how I wanted her.

It was so fucking hot watching River devour Pavlina’s pussy, but I’d never tell Pavlina that. That was an excellent way to become a spectator in this and wrapped up against the wall in a web. Instead, I just enjoyed the scene and drove into her.

I was glad she wasn’t this fragile thing because I wasn’t even trying to be gentle. I didn’t really know who to pray to so I could give thanks for her demon half since we all knew the truth about the Olympians now, but I’d sacrifice an entire cow to whoever made her this durable and twisted in bed.

I was even grateful for that green fire she had Copyright 2016 - 2024