The Call of Monsters (My Beautiful Monsters #3) - J.B. Trepagnier Page 0,69

them, they could have easily overthrown them.

The Olympians were going to have to get on board and get okay with this fast. They would have to change things with the humans because while Zeus had forbidden the Olympians to have children, the humans didn’t have the same rule. The Olympians wanted them to have as many children as possible because it meant they had more to exploit.

The humans here didn’t know about Hephaestus’s weapon yet, but they’d better have some good fucking options that were better than what they had now when they found out. I was half human. I grew up thinking I was only human. Humans could only be beaten down for so long before they rose.

If Zeus had servants just to wipe his ass for him, then it was only a matter of time before they discovered the carnage we left behind in his war room. Gossip was universal, no matter which realm you were in. The humans were going to come for them, and they’d better be ready to grovel and give promises of better things. They’d looked down on them for so long, they hadn’t even considered they might be in danger from them. They were still worried about Olympians, monsters, demons, and witches with those weapons, but enough humans could kill them too.

At least Hera had the sense to realize that. I overheard her whisper to Dionysus that she was going back inside to free Zeus’s servants and give them the option to go back to Earth. I hoped she got in there before they found all those dead bodies we left because I got the feeling she really wanted to make things better for humans here before she left for good.

Dionysus was still trying to calm all these Olympians. It seemed like they were coming over to his side, but some of them weren’t on board with letting the humans go or letting new people in. I guess wiping your own ass is too complicated for some of these people. Could they not see how awful they were to humans?

They got their answer when an army of human servants frog marched Hera out the front door. She didn’t fight, and she didn’t kill any of them. Totally called it. They found the bloody scene we left behind, and Hera didn’t even have time to speak to them.

I saw magic crackling at every single hand at the Olympians we were trying to get through to. Hera just held up her hand.

“Don’t harm them. They have every right to be angry with us after how we’ve treated them. Every single one of you should have expected this unless you treat your servants well,” Hera said. She turned to the men holding her arms. “I don’t wish to harm you. I’ve tried to make things as easy for you as I could with Zeus as my husband. Things have been awful here. I know it, and some of us need to make some major changes. There are those of us who would see you free. You can go back to Earth if you would like.”

One of the males scoffed.

“What would we do there? Olympus and serving you is all we have ever known.”

“You can stay if you want, and things will be better,” Dionysus said, stepping forward. “You’ll only be servants if you want to, but you’ll be paid this time. We intend to open the gates and let people in. There will be new businesses and universities built. You can study or work anywhere. I hope everyone will be on board for using our magic to create you better lodgings. I did for the humans that work for me, and several of us have. It doesn’t have to be this way anymore.”

“I don’t want to stay here,” someone shouted. “I don’t care what might wait on Earth. I don’t want to stay here and watch all of you pretend like you didn’t mistreat us.”

I’d lay odds that was Zeus’s ass wiper.

People agreed they wanted to leave, but the vibe I was getting from them was that they didn’t think it was going to happen. I trusted them because Hephaestus did, but these humans had been around them their entire lives and had no reason to.

Hera finally spoke.

“I intend to go to Earth once we settle here things. I plan to start a business. I was planning on settling in London. I can either send you anywhere you want to go right this minute, or you Copyright 2016 - 2024