The Call of Monsters (My Beautiful Monsters #3) - J.B. Trepagnier Page 0,57

are in the secret passage with the weapons he wants so badly, he’ll use every trick he knows to get his hands on them, and we are all dead. I know some of you need your revenge, but it’s not going to be all that easy to take out Ares, Poseidon, or Athena. Now, not another word. We are ending this.”

My blood was pumping, and my heart was racing. Poseidon created me and used me because he thought there would be no consequences. I’m sure he thought he’d never see me again. Well, I was going to be the last fucking thing he saw before I killed him for good.

We all stepped through the hole in the air back into the secret passage. We loved our banter. We could argue about anything. Trying to figure out dinner between all of us was literally impossible. But we knew when to shut the fuck up too. The only sounds in the secret passage were what we could hear through the wall.

There was a lot of shouting. Poseidon was being Poseidon and threatening Zeus for answers. Through a two-way mirror, we could see that Athena was just sitting back and letting the men do all the fighting, hoping Zeus would reveal something. Ares was also shouting for Zeus just to tell them because he could use their help.

Zeus wasn’t foolish. He held onto power this long, and he could see they might take it away from him with that weapon in play. Most of the evil things he had done were to hold on to power and meet his desperate need to have his ass kissed. He was smart enough to know he’d made some enemies along the way. I just don’t think he realized how many and that we knew about his secret passages. He probably had no idea, after everything he’d done to them, that Hera and Hephaestus were with us actively trying to bring him down.

We were packed like sardines in front of the mirror in the room, but we still hadn’t made our move. No one was asking questions because we all knew why. Artemis would have to step out of the passage to get Zeus with the arrow from where he was sitting. I may have still been a little pissed about that army of handmaidens that kept trying to kill us, but I understood she was on our side. We all realized we were wrong about her, and we didn’t want her hurt for helping us.

We just needed Zeus to get up from his chair and move into the line of fire. I was counting on Poseidon to lose his temper and make that happen. As far as god tantrums went, I’d witnessed him have total meltdowns about a broken fingernail.

There we were. There was that temper. Poseidon flung his chair back and swept everything off the table.

“You’re plotting with Ares, and we all know it has something to do with Demeter! I demand to know what you are doing, Zeus!”

Poseidon accentuated this by flinging magic at Zeus. I saw a cut appear over his eye. Olympians couldn’t fight with fists like ordinary people. They relied too much on their magic. I was counting on that to take Poseidon down.

Zeus stood and glared at Poseidon.

“You dare strike me? You forget your place, brother.”

“No, you forget yours. You’ve closed down the gates and not allowed any of us to leave. Demeter should have long been back with Persephone, and we all felt her life force go out. Hades has kept to the agreement and let Persephone leave. You’ve never liked Demeter after you bedded her. Do you know what I think? I think you plotted with Hades to get rid of Demeter, and you’re coming for the rest of us next!”

Most sane people would have just told the truth, but the Olympians had never been what you would call rational. Instead of just clearing things up, Zeus got all butt hurt about it. But that was what we were counting on. Zeus got up to get right in Poseidon’s face. They were screaming at each other so hard they were giving a spit show. All of us were just getting a little bored at all the screaming, waiting for Poseidon to get the fuck out of the way so Artemis could take him out.

All the men were out of control and yelling. Zeus and Poseidon were ready to fling magic, and Ares was screaming just to tell them Copyright 2016 - 2024