Calder Brand - Janet Dailey Page 0,91

you’ll keep our secret safe.”

“Of course I will,” Lorna said. “And since I know you’re concerned, I can tell you that your chances of running into Joe are slim. He lives a few miles south of here, and he rarely comes into Blue Moon. But you’ll need to be prepared, in case it happens.”

“Yes, I know.” But it wouldn’t matter, Sarah told herself, even though her pulse had quickened at the mention of Joe’s name. Joe had a family of his own now. What had happened between them was long since over.

“How is he doing?” she couldn’t resist asking.

“Oh, very well. He’s one of the wealthiest men in the county now. Land, lumber, horses, and cattle. Joe has made them all pay. His wife is heir to a big ranch, too. They have a little boy who’ll probably inherit it all one day—oh!” Lorna covered her mouth with her fingertips. “I’m sorry. That was very insensitive of me. Please forgive me.”

“No, it’s fine,” Sarah said. “After all, it’s true. Blake may not be the heir to a fortune, but I can help him grow up to be a fine man. In this world, that’s what really counts.” Sarah paused to regroup. “Now, why don’t you tell me about the school?”

* * *

Joe rode through the gate of the Hollister ranch. As he reached the house, he saw Amelia waiting alone on the porch. He could tell that she’d taken extra pains to look pretty—maybe to remind him of what he was missing. The green ribbon in her hair enhanced the sparkle in her eyes, and her flower-sprigged dress hugged a waist that was almost as small as it had been before the birth of their son.

Joe dismounted and looped the horse’s reins over the hitching rail. “Where’s Mason?” he asked.

“He’s in the house with Daddy. You can see him, but I want to talk to you first.” She took a seat on the porch swing, leaving room for him to join her. Joe mounted the steps and sat down, bracing himself for whatever she planned to say. Whatever it was, something told him he wasn’t going to like it.

“Is everything all right, Amelia?” he asked, leaving an opening for her.

“Nobody’s sick, or dying, if that’s what you’re asking.” She pouted prettily. “But I’ve been thinking about last winter and how miserable it was, all that snow and cold—and no place to go. I thought I was going to die of boredom.”

Joe knew what was coming next. And knew he wasn’t going to like it. Amelia could go wherever the hell she pleased, but he’d be damned if he’d let her take Mason.

“I got a letter from my mother in St. Louis,” she said. “Things didn’t work out with her husband. She’s all alone, and she wants to see her grandson. She’s invited me to come and stay with her over the winter.”

Joe sighed. “We’ve been down this road before, Amelia. Mason is my son. If you want to go to St. Louis, fine. Go. But the boy stays with me.”

“How can I do that? He’s only three. He needs his mother. And you don’t have time to take care of him. You’re always working.”

“I could make time. But fine. If you don’t like the idea of my taking him, you can stay here.”

Her expression hardened. “I don’t need your permission, you know. I could just take Mason and leave. Once we were on the train, you wouldn’t be able to stop us.”

“Do that, and the marriage is over,” Joe said. “And I’ll get my son back if I have to break into your mother’s house and take him by force.”

Once again they were at a standoff. It might have escalated into a fight, with Amelia railing and Joe remaining stone-faced. But just then the front door opened, and a small figure came racing across the porch.


Joe sprang out of the swing and bent low in time to catch the little boy in his arms. Standing, he lifted his son high. Mason squealed with laughter. He was a beautiful child with his mother’s green eyes and reddish glints in his dark, curly hair.

“Did you come to see me, Daddy?” he asked as Joe lowered him to shoulder level.

“I did. Just you.”

“Did you bring me something?”

“Not this time. But if it’s all right with your mother, I can take you for a ride on my horse. You’ll have to ask her, though.”

“Please, can he take me, Mama?” The boy’s look would have Copyright 2016 - 2024