Calder Brand - Janet Dailey Page 0,75

kiss had nearly scorched his boot soles. But at the price of his future here, it had been a bad bargain.

“Well, at least he’s not trying to kill us. That’s progress.” Loren Hollister’s voice, coming from just behind his shoulder, made Joe flinch. If the ax was about to fall, it would happen now.

“He’s doing better,” Joe said. “But it’s taking time.”

“Like most good things,” Hollister said. “I know I haven’t been around much, but I’ve kept an eye on you. You’re doing a good job.”

Joe swallowed. Maybe he’d be all right. “I try, sir,” he said. “If you plan to ride him yourself, you might want to come around more. We’ll want him to know whose horse he is.”

“Good idea. And I haven’t forgotten that bonus I offered if you train him.”

“About that,” Joe said. “What I really want, instead of a bonus, is your help getting my own land. I don’t mean for you to pay for it. Just show me how to find the best parcel out there and file on it as a homestead. If Calder can do it, so can I, but I need to know the rules—when to follow them and when to break them.”

Hollister chuckled. “Smart move. I can tell you what to do. You have to understand that most of the good land around here is already taken. But there should be some left in the foothills and the canyons, or even a parcel that’s been abandoned by folks who gave up and left. We can talk about it later, after you’ve got that horse under control. But that isn’t why I’m here. What I really want to talk to you about is my daughter.”

Joe’s heart sank. He braced himself for a tirade. “Whatever she told you—”

“What she told me doesn’t matter,” Hollister said. “I know you’re a respectful man who wouldn’t take undue advantage of a girl. But since the juices are already flowing, there are some things you need to know about Amelia.

“She may have told you that her mother, Evelyn, and I divorced when she was a baby. I’m afraid she didn’t have the best upbringing, watching her mother go through men. This past summer, Evelyn sent her to live with me because the girl was out of control—staying out till all hours with the worst sort of people, sneaking out of the house, ruining her reputation. Even here, I worry about her. In her own way, she’s as wild as that stallion.”

“I understand, sir,” Joe said. “You don’t have to worry about me. I’m here to work, not fool around. I’ll steer clear of her.”

“That’s not what I’m asking. You’re young. You’re decent. And you’re as much of a gentleman as a cowboy can be. Sure as sunup, Amelia’s going to throw herself at some man. I’d rather it be you than some sonofabitch who’s going to mistreat her—drink, chase women, abuse her, spend all her money, and most likely leave her pregnant.”

Joe stared at him, feeling as if he’d just been whacked with a side of beef. “Are you saying you want me to encourage her?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. The only way I can see to save Amelia from ruining her own life is to pair her with a good man—and I’ve seen enough of you, and heard enough from Blaise Ransom, to know that a good man is what you are. If it turns out that you want to marry her, I’d most likely say yes. If not, you could at least be her friend and try to show her a little fun.” Hollister paused, fixing Joe with a piercing gaze. “So, do you need time to think about it?”

Joe struggled to recover his wits. “I’d have to talk to Blaise. I told him I’d be back there after I trained the stallion.”

Hollister laid a hand on Joe’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. I already talked to him. It’s been settled.”

* * *

Once the big blue roan discovered carrots, his training moved ahead. Within a few days, Joe was able to feed him from inside the pen, although he had yet to stroke the stallion with his hands. For a horse that had been abused and was still fearful, this next step would have to be approached with caution and sensitivity.

Amelia was back once more, standing by the fence, laughing and flirting. Did she know about her father’s conversation with Joe? Probably not, Joe surmised. She loved breaking rules and hated being manipulated. Telling her Copyright 2016 - 2024