Calder Brand - Janet Dailey Page 0,56

for him. But there’s plenty of food. You’re certainly welcome to join us.”

“A cowboy?” Everett’s eyebrows rose disdainfully. “I don’t see him anywhere. Is he hiding?”

“He’s resting in the bedroom. I closed the door because I don’t want to disturb him.” Sarah glanced toward the door. When she’d swung it shut, the latch had failed to engage. It stood slightly ajar, open far enough for Joe to hear everything that was said.

“He’s in your bedroom? In your bed?”

“He nearly died, Everett. I could hardly lay him on the floor.”

“For heaven’s sake, Sarah!” he exploded. “A pretty woman like you, here alone, with a man in your bed? Where’s your common sense? Think about your reputation. If word got out about this, you could be ruined!”

“So, I’m supposed to care more about my precious reputation than I care about a man’s life?” Sarah demanded.

“Listen to him, Sarah.” The voice was Joe’s. Sarah turned to see him standing in the open doorway, clad in bandages and bloodstained drawers. His face was pale. His left hand gripped the doorframe for support. “Your friend’s right,” he said. “I need to go now, before anybody else gets the wrong idea. Get me into some clothes, give me a little of the money Rusty left, and drop me off at some cheap hotel, where I can rest. I’ll be fine.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Sarah said. “If that wound becomes infected you could die. Get back into bed.”

Paying her no attention, he fixed his gaze on Everett. “Joe Dollarhide’s the name,” he said, extending his hand. “And believe me, the last thing I want is to damage this lady’s reputation. I’ll be leaving as soon as I can get into some clothes and find a way out of here.”

Ignoring Joe’s hand, as if he were unworthy of notice, Everett turned to Sarah. “I was anxious to show you the house I was buying,” he said. “I wanted you to see it as a suitable home for raising our family and entertaining our guests. Instead, I walk in here to find you with a man in your bed.”

“For heaven’s sake, Everett, it wasn’t—”

“No, just listen. I know your intentions were pure, my dear. So I’m willing to overlook your indiscretion if you’ll get rid of him now. You told me you saved your great-uncle’s clothes. Get him some, and I’ll take him into town myself. I know just the place—a boardinghouse that won’t cost much.”

“No.” Sarah met his gaze with steel. “He could die without care. He’s staying here, for a few more days at least. And you”—she turned to Joe—“get back into that bed before you fall and make everything worse.”

Joe remained where he was. Sarah understood that he was clinging to his stubborn pride. Only that, and his tight grip on the doorframe, kept him from sliding to the floor.

Everett sighed. “All right, Sarah. You’ve won this round. But I want him gone as soon as he’s able to leave. And for God’s sake, keep him out of sight. You know how gossip can spread in this town.”

With a sudden move that took Sarah by surprise, he caught her waist, whipped her against him, and captured her mouth in a forceful, dominating kiss. Too stunned to resist, she froze in his arms. There was no tenderness, or even affection, in his embrace. He was showing her that he was in charge—and showing Joe that she was his property.

By the time she’d regained her wits, he’d let her go. She stepped away from him, quivering with fury. Creating a scene would only make things worse. She just wanted him gone.

He planted a hand at the small of her back. “She’s mine, Dollarhide, and don’t you forget it. If you so much as lay a finger on her, so help me, you’ll live to regret it. I’ll make you curse the day you were born.”

“Just go, Everett,” she said in a small, tight voice.

“All right. But this isn’t over. I won’t be satisfied until this piece of trail trash is gone.” He turned and strode out the front door, letting it bang shut behind him.

Sarah’s knees quivered beneath her. Summoning her self-control, she crossed the room to where Joe stood, still supporting himself in the bedroom doorway.

“Let’s get you back where you belong,” she said, taking his arm and setting her weight to steady him. This time he didn’t have the strength to resist. He let her guide him back through the door and into bed.

* * *

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