Calculated Risk (Triumph Over Adversity #1) - Lynn Shannon Page 0,50

understood the chain of command and the embedded loyalties that went with it better than most. He held no ill will against the detective.

“What can you tell us about the bomb?” Addison asked.

“It had a remote detonator, so it could be set off using a cell phone. We’ve sent the evidence to the state lab for analysis. So far, we haven’t recovered any fingerprints, but they aren’t done yet.”

Jason frowned. Building a bomb with a remote detonator wasn’t complicated, but it took some technological knowledge. “Chloe mentioned to us that Michael was a bomb enthusiast. How sophisticated was the device?”

Trevor shrugged. “I’m not sure yet. We’ve pulled surveillance video from the surrounding businesses, but none of them have an unrestricted view of the abandoned store. However, a witness described a late-model SUV with a decal on the windshield in the area a few hours before the Winter Fair.”

“Wendall’s vehicle.” Addison started pacing. “How is it possible his SUV keeps showing up, but no one has seen Wendall in weeks? It doesn’t make any sense. It feels like we’re chasing a ghost.”

It did feel that way. Something niggled the back of Jason’s mind, but he couldn’t grab hold of the idea.

Trevor tracked Addison with his gaze. “I would feel better if you were in a secure location. My parents own a vacation home in Colorado. You’re more than welcome to it.”

Addison paused midstep. “Thank you, Trevor, but I feel more comfortable here. I have Jason and Nathan watching out for me, along with a state trooper. Plus the security system on the house is state-of-the-art.”

He hesitated and then nodded. “Okay. If you change your mind, let me know. I’ll call if there are any more updates.”

After Trevor left, Addison rubbed her forehead, as if a headache was creeping up on her. Circles shadowed the delicate skin under her eyes. She looked exhausted and vulnerable.

“Why don’t you take an aspirin and go to bed, Addy?” Jason tucked his hands in his pockets to avoid pulling her into his arms. “I’ll clean the dishes.”

She lowered her hand and gave him a weak smile. “Thanks. I’ve been fighting a headache all day.”

From the stress no doubt. Addison stepped closer and brushed her lips across his cheek. Then she collected Shelby from the couch and headed into the bedroom. Jason watched her go, a mixture of feelings tumbling around inside him. Connor nudged his hand.

“Right, buddy. Dishes.”

Jason cleared the coffee table, carrying the dirty dishes into the kitchen. He loaded the dishwasher. Wiped the counter. Prepared the coffee pot for later. The chores did little to stop the thoughts and questions rolling through his mind. Sleep would be impossible.

He shrugged on a jacket, unarmed the security system, and slipped onto the porch with Connor. The night air was crisp and scented with dried leaves and grass. Jason used his phone to rearm the alarm. The glow from the motion detection lights faded as he crossed the yard. His eyes adjusted to the dark. An owl swept down from a tree, the flap of wings cutting through the quiet.

Nathan greeted him with a chin jerk. “No sign of trouble.”


Jason tucked his hands into the pockets of his jacket. He and Nathan stood side by side, silent, for a good long while. The sky was cloud free. The moon was a smooth crescent, surrounded by a scattering of stars. Jason took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Do you think God has a plan for all of us?”

“You’re feeling philosophical tonight.”

“Addison said she’s falling in love with me. It has me questioning things.”

Nathan grunted. “Because you’ve been spending the last three years punishing yourself for surviving a bombing when the others didn’t.”

“Yeah, something like that.” The cold air stung Jason’s lungs and made his chest tighten. “I failed them, Nathan. Logically, I know it’s not my fault. But…moving on, being happy, feels like a betrayal.”

“Being miserable won’t bring them back.” Nathan was quiet for a long moment. “I’m gonna tell you something that may be hard for you to hear, but it’s the truth. We’re soldiers. We all knew the score when we went overseas. If your fellow Marines were here now, they’d tell you the same. Grieve their deaths but don’t dishonor their memory by using it as a crutch to keep from living your life.”

Jason reared back. “Is that what you think I’m doing?”

“You made it home. They didn’t. You owe it to them to live the best life possible.”

Nathan’s words struck a Copyright 2016 - 2024