Calculated Risk (Triumph Over Adversity #1) - Lynn Shannon Page 0,20

but Michael has an alibi.”

“She believes he may have hired someone.”

“Addy…” Trevor dropped his hand and shifted his feet. “Chloe is a disgruntled wife in the middle of a nasty divorce and child custody suit. She has a reason to lie.”

“I can’t believe you just said that.” Addison straightened to her full height. The threads of control on her temper threatened to snap. “Chloe isn’t a liar. There’s a police report, Trevor, proving her allegations of abuse. Michael nearly killed her. He was arrested and charged.”

“That’s not the same thing as being guilty and you know it. He still has to go through a trial to be convicted. Come on. You know how this works. You’re a lawyer.” Trevor shook his head. “Jason is putting ideas into your head. When did the two of you become so cozy, anyway?”

“Jason has nothing to do with this, and no one is putting ideas in my head.” She glared at him. “I’m beginning to think there’s a reason you won’t investigate Michael McCormick. Is the Knoxville Police Department compromised?”

Trevor’s mouth dropped open, and a flush heated his cheeks. “You’ve got to be kidding me? Are you accusing me of being a crooked cop? I thought you knew me better than that.”

“Someone told Michael about the SUV in the surveillance video. That’s how he knew we would follow him out to the parking lot. The confrontation at the church yesterday was a well-planned attack. Michael planted that bomb.”

“There’s no proof there was a bomb.”

Trevor practically shouted the words. He seemed to catch himself before he could say more, spinning on his heel to march the length of the porch. Addison let him cool down for a few moments before saying, “Don’t yell at me, Trevor.”

The command was self-assured. It’d taken Addison a long time, along with years of therapy and prayer, to learn how to stand up for herself. She used those hard-won skills to fight for her clients in the courtroom. Tempers flaring no longer scared her, although it was never Addison’s intention to escalate a disagreement that far.

Trevor paused a short distance away. “I’m sorry for losing my temper. I shouldn’t have yelled, but it hurts my feelings that you think I would ever go against my oath as a law enforcement officer.”

“I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, but Michael McCormick is friends with both the mayor and Chief Walters. Whether or not you realize it, there are powerful people protecting him.”

“What has gotten into you, Addison? You’re accusing a man of murder. That’s not something to say lightly.”

“I’m not saying it lightly. Michael threatened me, Trevor.”

“It was unwise of him to confront you, but that doesn’t make him a killer. Why are you so convinced Michael is behind the break-in?”

Her cheeks heated. Trevor made it sound like she was being unfair, when all she was asking was for the investigation to be thorough. “Why are you so convinced he isn’t?”

He threw up his hands. “He has an alibi, Addison. And there is no evidence he hired anyone. Michael is a successful businessman. It would be reckless to kill you. Michael may be many things—including a hothead—but he’s not stupid.”

“You talk as if you know Michael McCormick personally.” An unwelcome thought slithered through her mind. Trevor was about the same height and size as the man who’d attacked her a few nights ago. Addison took an instinctive step backward. “Do you?”

Trevor was silent. The porch light cast shadows on his face, morphing it into something ugly. Unfamiliar. Fresh goose bumps prickled Addison’s skin and her breath stalled. No. Trevor couldn’t be her attacker.

Could he?


Addison stood in her driveway and waited until the tail lights from Trevor’s vehicle faded. She wrapped her arms around her midsection. Their conversation had left her jittery and confused.

She glanced at Jason’s house. The lights in the living room glowed softly. Before thinking too much about it, Addison crossed the grass and stepped onto his front porch. Wind chimes danced above her head. She rang the bell.

Connor woofed seconds before the door swung open. Jason was dressed for comfort in sweat pants and a T-shirt. A dish towel was slung over one muscular shoulder. “Addison, come in out of the cold. Is everything okay?”

“Not really. No.” She crossed the threshold and wiped her feet on the entrance mat. The warm scent of meat and garlic teased her nose. Addison’s stomach growled. “I’m sorry. Am I interrupting your dinner?”

“Not at all.” He closed the door Copyright 2016 - 2024