Calculated Risk (Triumph Over Adversity #1) - Lynn Shannon Page 0,18

her last and that was only a week ago.”

“I know. She’s getting so big.” Chloe’s face softened when talking about her little girl. It was clear she adored her. “Stella tried to lift herself out of the crib this morning. I have to lower the mattress.”

“It won’t be long before you’re running.” Addison tickled the baby again. “Isn’t that right, Stella?”

Jason didn’t think his esteem for Addison could be any higher, but watching her now, it grew. There was nothing fake about Addison’s interaction with her client and the baby. She genuinely cared about them. It probably made her a fantastic lawyer. Chloe was lucky to have Addison on her side.

Chloe’s gaze darted to Jason, and the softness in her expression morphed to concern. She absently picked at a loose strand on a soft baby book. “Addison, I’m worried about you. First the break-in last night and then the bombing yesterday. I know Michael had an alibi for the break-in, but I still believe he’s behind this.”

“Why?” Jason asked.

“For starters, my husband has a special fascination with bombs. He’s read books about them and he has friends in the police department. One of them is a bomb technician. Michael had him for dinner once.” She licked her lips, glancing at Addison. “He blames you for the divorce. He’s convinced that you talked me into it and I believe he wants revenge.”

Addison shook the rattle for Stella again. “Michael has an alibi for the break-in at my house.”

“I know, but he’s rich enough to hire someone. My husband is ruthless and very smart. He knows how to work the system to his advantage.” She swallowed hard. “Like I said, he has friends on the police force.”

Which meant Michael was familiar enough with police investigations to create an alibi for himself. He was also worth several million dollars. Chloe was right that he had enough money to hire a hit man. Jason leaned forward. “Do you have any idea who your husband would hire to attack Addison?”

“No, but it has to be someone he already knows. Michael wouldn’t risk hiring a stranger.”

Jason made a mental note to look into Michael’s employees. “Would you be willing to tell the police this information?”

“I already have.” Chloe continued to pick at the loose thread on the baby book. Her movements were growing increasingly frantic. “I spoke to Detective Trevor Whitman this morning. He didn’t seem to take what I had to say seriously. That’s not surprising. My husband is friends with the Knoxville police chief. What’s his name again?”

“Robbie Walters,” Addison said.

“Yes, that’s it. My husband also knows the mayor of Knoxville.” Chloe’s expression was bleak. “Michael uses his friendship with powerful people to protect himself.”

Jason didn’t like this. Trevor hadn’t taken them seriously about the bomb yesterday and he’d been quick to dismiss Michael’s potential involvement. Was that because of Chief Walters’s friendship with Michael? He hated to think the police were compromised, but why else would they ignore evidence?

He removed his cell phone from his pocket and pulled up a still photograph of the SUV from Addison’s surveillance video. Jason showed it to Chloe. “Have you ever seen this vehicle before?”

She studied the photograph carefully and then shook her head. “Sorry, no.”

Addison’s mouth flattened into a thin line. “Someone from the Knoxville Police Department told Michael about the surveillance video and our suspicions about the SUV. That’s how he knew we would follow him out to the parking lot yesterday. The confrontation was a setup.”

Stella crawled over to her mother. Chloe pulled the baby into her lap and kissed the top of her head. “I’m so sorry, Addison. I never meant to put you in danger.”

“You have nothing to apologize for. This isn’t your doing. If Michael is behind this, he’s responsible for his own actions.”

Chloe nodded. “Please be careful, Addison. Once Michael decides something, there’s no changing it. He’s also vicious.” She shuddered. “He’ll keep coming after you, no matter what it takes.”


Addison jerked awake, heart thundering, with a scream posed on her lips.

She blinked. The nightmare faded as the familiar furniture of her own bedroom came into focus. She sucked in a breath. Then another. Sweat coated her brow and her hands trembled. A paperback book rested on the bed next to her, tangled in the sheets. She must’ve fallen asleep while reading. The events from the last few days had finally caught up to her.

It was dark outside her window. A quick glance at the clock confirmed it was nearly Copyright 2016 - 2024