Awake at Dawn(42)

Kylie physically moved Miranda. Then she walked into her bedroom to find out what Miranda didn't want her to see and swore she would fix.

Kylie's gaze shot first to the bedside table where she stored her most private things. The drawer was closed. No letters were strewn on the nightstand. A movement on her bed caught her eye. She shifted her gaze.

She blinked.

She screamed.

Then she hauled ass out of her bedroom in less than a flicker of a second.

She ran right into Miranda, who caught her by her forearms. "I'm sorry. So sorry."

Kylie caught her breath. "Why...?" She inhaled. "Why is there a skunk in my bed?"

Kylie felt a familiar brush against her ankle. She looked down expecting to see Socks. But nope. No Socks.

Kylie screamed again and jumped clear across the room.

The skunk raised its pointed little head in the air, meowed, and came scurrying after her.

"I'm so sorry," Miranda cried.

Kylie looked up at Miranda and then down at the skunk quickly approaching her. Its paws pranced up in the air in a very familiar and very cute feline kind of way.


"No," Kylie said. "Tell me that's not ... Oh crap, you didn't!"

"I'll fix it. I will," Miranda said.

Kylie had just returned from art hour with Helen and Jonathon.

Pacing, she stood in front of the office, waiting for her two o'clock appointment with Holiday. How was Kylie going to tell the camp leader that she'd ratted out her past romance with a vampire?

By the way, did you know that Burnett didn't know you used to date a vampire? Nope, that wouldn't do.

Hey, Burnett and I were talking and I happened to mention how you had your heart chewed up by one of his kind. That didn't sound like it would go over too well, either.

"Kylie?" Derek called out to her.

Oh, crappers!

She saw him walk though a crowd of campers waiting to sign up for kayak classes and she resigned herself to facing him. However, she did take several steps away from the crowd.

"Hey." He stopped in front of her and studied her carefully. "Hey." She moved in backward steps, continued to motion him to follow her another ten feet away from the crowd.

His gaze stayed glued to her eyes as she continued to move in reverse. "Have I done something wrong?"

"No." She shook her head.

"Then have you been smoking something? Because you're acting really weird."

She completely understood why he thought she'd lost track of reality. However, in her defense, her reality for the last six weeks was completely different from the one she'd grown up believing in.

"It's not ... it's..." She glanced around to make sure no one with superhearing powers was in close range. "I'm embarrassed, okay?"

"Embarrassed about what?" His gaze lowered to her breasts. "That?"

She reached out, put her finger under his chin, and brought his face up. At least he had the decency to blush.