Awake at Dawn(33)

"Am not," Miranda said.

"Are too," Della countered.

Kylie tried to swallow the lump in her throat.

"What is it?" Miranda and Della asked at the same time, dashing Kylie's hopes that her emotion would go unnoticed. Not that it really mattered. They'd seen her cry before.

"We're sorry we told you no," Miranda piped up again, elbowing Della. "Aren't we?"

"Yeah," Della said. "Are you really okay?" she asked. "Your heart's running super fast. Really fast. Not human fast."

Kylie blinked again. She did feel weird, but not completely a bad weird. "I'm fine. Actually, I'm better than fine now that you two are here.

Thank you." The words came with sentiment and more tears formed in her eyes.

Della shrugged. "Yeah, well, if I die or something, I'm coming back and haunting your ass."

"Don't worry," Miranda said to Kylie and half smiled. "If she starts haunting you, I've got a spell that will lock her in purgatory for at least a dozen years."

Della shot Miranda a mock frown and then she reached out and latched on to Kylie's elbow. "Come on, let's go track us down some death angels."

"Can I climb on your back again?" Miranda asked, and rubbed her hands together.

"No. And if you tell anyone I gave you a ride, I'll break your kneecaps.

I'm not going to become everyone's joyride."

"Unless it's a boy, right?" Miranda giggled.

"That's gross," Della said, and Miranda giggled harder.

Kylie looked at her friends and realized it was the first time in days she'd heard Miranda laugh. "I love you guys."

"Yeah, we know," Miranda said, and they all three started walking. The humorous mood slowly faded in the dark shade of the trees.

They walked without talking. A bird chirped above, the wind rustled the leaves. Kylie assumed she was going the right direction because Della never spoke up and she'd told Kylie earlier that she could find the falls just by listening to it.

As they moved, trampling over and sometimes through the thick brush, Kylie noticed her pace matched that of Della's. It was Miranda who seemed to be struggling to keep up.

They made about a hundred feet, and Kylie noticed Della eyeing her under her lashes. Had she noticed Kylie's newfound energy as well? "What is it?" Kylie asked.

"Nothing," Della said. "It's just ... your heart's still racing really fast and you look ... different."

"Different?" Kylie asked, and looked from Della to Miranda and back. "How do I look different?"

Della continued walking but held her hands out in front of her boobs. "The girls."

Kylie looked down at her chest. "You've seen me without my bra before."

Della stopped. "It's not that your girls aren't supported. It's that they're bigger."

"They are not." Kylie stopped walking and protectively cupped her full size Bs in her palms. And the craziest thing happened. They didn't feel right. They felt ... "Oh, damn." They felt bigger.

"She's right." Miranda cupped her own boobs as if checking them. "Oh, God," muttered Kylie, staring down at herself.

"Hey, if you don't want them, pass me a cup or two over here." Della laughed.

Kylie recalled thinking that everything was changing. She just hadn't expected that to mean her boobs.