Awake at Dawn(19)

Holiday studied Kylie. "Do you really not have enough worries of your own to chew on that you want to take on my issues, too?"

"Everyone else's seems easier than mine." Kylie smiled.

"Ever heard that saying about the grass always looks greener on the other side? Well, it's the same way with problems. We all have our hurdles to overcome. So why don't you solve yours and let me take care of mine?" Holiday brushed a lock of Kylie's hair behind her ear. "But thank you for caring."

Holiday smiled and Kylie once again felt the bond between them inch closer. Kylie had long wondered what it would be like to have an older sister. She couldn't help but think this was as close as she'd ever get to that type of relationship.

Holiday studied Kylie and her eyebrows twitched. Kylie knew Holiday was testing to see if Kylie had opened up the doors of her mind. The first day at camp, Kylie had learned that supernaturals had the ability to read brain patterns. Supernaturals also allowed other supernaturals to read deeper, to get a glimpse of who and what they were.

Not Kylie, of course. The only brain pattern she'd been able to see had been that of the ghost of her real dad. And while other supernaturals could see Kylie's brain pattern, she had yet to learn to open up to let anyone get a deeper glimpse.

"Are you doing the mental exercises I told you to do?" Holiday asked. "Yes," Kylie said, and watched the camp leader's brow crease. At least twenty minutes a day, Kylie was supposed to meditate. But so far it hadn't helped, or at least if it had, no one had told her.

"Anything?" Kylie asked, not wanting to be the odd duck anymore.

"No. You're still tight as a drum. Any luck reading anyone?"

"No. Maybe I'm a supernatural retard."

Holiday rolled her eyes. "If anything I think it's just the opposite. I think your brain is holding off giving you your powers until it thinks you're capable and mature enough to deal with them."

"Are you calling me immature?" Kylie made her point and stuck out her tongue.

"Not immature." Holiday chuckled. "I think you're wiser than a lot of girls your age." Her expression went serious again. "But that doesn't mean that you haven't got a lot to learn." Holiday stood up. "Do you think you can sleep now?"

"Maybe," Kylie said, but deep down, she doubted it.

Holiday got to the door, then turned back. "Oh, about the ghost problems.

If she doesn't give you anything to work with the next time she shows up, tell her you're going to shut her out until she offers something more concrete. Then do it. If she doesn't give you something different, change channels on her. Nothing ticks off a ghost more than being ignored.

That usually makes them figure out a better approach."

"How do I change channels?" Kylie asked.

"Concentrate on something else. It has to be something you want to think about." Holiday's brow rose as if she'd just remembered something.

"Like making out with Derek."

Kylie saw something in the camp leader's eyes and she knew. "Burnett told you."

Holiday nodded. "And I'm not going to get involved with that, but just promise me you're not doing anything you'll regret."

"Nothing happened," Kylie said.

"This time." Holiday let go of another of her deep sighs.

Kylie sat up a little straighter. "Derek would never try to pressure me into ... anything."

Holiday's chin lowered and her gaze zeroed in on Kylie with startling effect. "It's not Derek I'm worried about, Kylie."

Kylie looked down at her hands, feeling exposed. How did Holiday know how close Kylie was to giving in? Then Kylie remembered Holiday was just like Derek-she could read people's emotions. Obviously, just being around Derek had Kylie putting out turned-on vibrations. Good grief, she might as well just put a sign around her neck that said I'M HORNY. And wasn't that just lovely?

"Kylie ... it's nothing to be embarrassed about. And I'm not asking you not to ... What I'm asking is that when you do make that decision, it's a decision you make rationally and not one you just let happen. You understand the difference?"

Kylie nodded.

"Good." Holiday walked out.