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shirt, which had the familiar Joker Plague logo on it. He tossed his other shirt and pulled it on, stretching it tightly over his belly. Score one for me, he thought, wondering how long it would be before he could get full access to the TV. He'd worry about that later. Right now he was getting sleepy.

Dr. Pendergast leaned forward in his easy chair, scratching the salt-and-pepper Vandyke on his chin. "It's healthy to grieve," he said.

Niobe wiped away a tear. She looked around the room, looking for words. Diplomas on the walls documented Pendergast's extensive medical pedigree. The photo on his desk showed Pendergast in a tuxedo, smiling, with his arm around the shoulders of a centaur. Niobe gathered that the horse guy was some famous doctor. Pendergast often spoke fondly of his time at the Jokertown Clinic.

"They're scared," she said. "But if I'm strong, if they feel that, it gives them hope, you know?"

"It isn't healthy to ignore your feelings."

"I'm not. But I need time." She glared at the doctor, twisting the tissue paper in her hands. "You called me for another session even before Xerxes had died. I can't do it that often. It was too soon."

Pendergast nodded. "Unfortunate timing. I am sorry about that. But consistency is crucial to our work."

She exhaled through pursed lips, crossed her arms over her chest, and looked away.

"You've grown much self-awareness since you came here. You should take comfort in that, Genetrix." She'd lost the name battle long ago. The new identity was his idea. "You've come a long way. Do you remember how you first came to BICC from your parents' estate?"

Of course she did. She remembered lots of yelling, lots of blood, an empty bottle of scotch, a straight razor. If one of the maids hadn't found her in time, she might have bled out right there on the floor of the master bath.

Her tail still had the scars. Little ridges of skin where the ugly pig hair wouldn't grow.

Quietly, so he wouldn't press the issue: "Yeah. I remember."

"You're a different person now. I'm proud of you."

Niobe lowered her eyes, nodded. She sniffed again. "It helps having people who care about the kids. Like you. And Christian."

"And we're making progress. Two years ago, a full month would have been unthinkable. We'll beat this thing. The important thing, Genetrix, is not giving up."

Niobe didn't say anything. More tears came. The room went out of focus.

Pendergast stood. He paced over to his desk and picked up the candy jar. In a lighter, more jovial tone, he said, "Quite a trio in this clutch!"

He offered her a chocolate. Niobe declined. Sweets made her break out even worse than normal.

"Yectli certainly was a shock."

One corner of her mouth curled up in a half-smile at the pun. She snorted. Then she looked up, worried.

"Was anybody hurt? He didn't mean to. He just wanted to impress me. Kids are like that."

Pendergast waved away her concerns. "No worries. He frightened the technicians, and fried an expensive camera, but otherwise no harm done. I found it funny, myself."

"Do you think he's a joker? The albinism, I mean?"

He shrugged. "Who can say? Your hatchlings vary so greatly from one to the next . . ." He trailed off. "Do you think he's a joker?" He narrowed his eyes and scratched his beard again. "Were you thinking about jokerism when you were with Christian?"

"No. Why?"

"I want to show you something." Pendergast opened a wooden cabinet to reveal a flat-screen television and a DVD player. He pressed a button and the static blinked into a view of therapy room two from behind the mirror.

She watched herself saying, "Maybe we can leave the curtains closed, just once."

Then Pendergast fast-forwarded until Yectli hatched. Yves's head kept bobbing into the frame as he danced on the ceiling. "Watch what I can do," boasted Yectli.

Zap! The image returned to static.

"Quite a coincidence," said the doctor. "You expressed unhappiness with the camera, and then poof! A manikin with the power to address your unease."

"You think I did that on purpose somehow?"

"Perhaps your mental state during copulation determined Yectli's power."

"Jesus, Doc! If I had any control over their abilities, don't you think not dying would come first?" Niobe threw up her arms. "God!"

He raised his hands, palm out. "Fair enough." As he closed the cabinet, he said, almost as an aside, "Has Yvette demonstrated her power to you yet? We're still unclear on whether she's an ace or a deuce."

"Nope. She's a quiet one." Aren't

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