Bury Me with Lies (Twin Lies #2) - S.M. Soto Page 0,1

up. Zach smiles wolfishly, taking a step forward. Vincent has a different approach to my presence. He purposely looks anywhere but at me, ignoring me. It’s meant to be a blow to my ego, and if things were different, it would be. I’d feel my heart crumble beneath his neglect, the offhandedness he has for me. Not anymore. I no longer have anything left of my heart to break.

“What do you know, God really is listening. Hey, V, wasn’t I just asking Him to send me someone I can have fun with tonight?” Zach gloats, nudging Vincent. He still doesn’t acknowledge me, just drains the contents of his cup and acts like I’m not even here.

The asshole.

Forcing a seductive grin on my face, I embrace the façade I’ve gotten so used to wearing in this town. “You flatter me, Zach, but I was actually coming here to talk with Vincent for a sec. Is that all right?”

“You serious right now?” Zach tosses his hands up and lets them smack down at his sides irritably. “Fucker’s been getting pussy all night,” he mumbles under his breath, as he stalks off toward the rest of the guys.

“Can we talk?”

Vincent finally spares me a glance, though it’s not a pleasant one. “I don’t fuck twice, Wright. Save your breath.”

Anger vibrates through my veins, and my rage bubbles up my chest. I take a threatening step forward and jab an angry finger at him.

“You owe me something, you sorry son of a bitch. Because the next person I speak to about what happened? It’ll be over for you. All of you.”

Vincent’s eyes blaze with rage. He knocks my hand down, stepping into me. The movement is so sudden, it catches me off guard, and my breath hitches, skyrocketing my heart rate. “Keep fucking with me, Madison. You’re going to regret it.”

My face crumples with distaste. “I regret few things, Vincent, but one is that night. Give me what I want, or I’m going to the police.” My voice comes out harsh, much stronger than how I’m feeling inside.

His nostrils flare. “You have no proof.”

I smile coldly. It reflects just how dead I feel inside. “I don’t need proof when I have my word.” I pause, just to really fuck with him. “And who says I don’t have proof?”

The guys call Vincent over, not realizing the heated discussion we’re having, and with one final glare, he turns his back on me, his gait stiff as he heads back toward the rest of the Savages.

Feeling pissed off and needing to regroup, I storm off, throwing down my cup in the dirt and heading toward the trees. My footsteps slow when I spot the two forms groping and kissing up ahead. They’re partly shielded by the trees and foliage, but not nearly enough. If I can see them, so can everyone else. My heart races in my chest the closer I get. Once they materialize and I see who it is, my anger explodes. I shoot an accusatory glance over my shoulder, toward Vincent, who’s staring back at me with a smirk. He raises his cup in salute and takes a drink.

Well played, motherfucker.

I stomp toward Trent and Mackenzie, my hands fisting at my sides. My nails dig into the flesh of my palms, stinging as they rip into my skin, leaving little crescents in their wake.

“What the fuck is going on?”

My sister jerks back, revealing her flushed face, and I almost lose it. I almost rip her back by her hair and drag her back to the car, but not before kicking Trent in the balls. I steel myself for what I’m about to say next, hoping the embarrassment will be enough of a lesson for her and more than enough to get Trent to look elsewhere for fun tonight.

Words that are filled with venom spew from my lips. And with each one, I watch my sister’s exterior crumble. I watch her heart shatter into millions of pieces; yet, I can’t bring myself to be sorry. Everything I’ve done, everything I’m doing, is for her.

It always has been.

For the entire ride home, I can feel her hurt. I see the pain in her eyes as she climbs out of the car. I see it in the drop of her shoulders as she heads inside. A part of me wants to call out to her and make things right, but the urgency thrumming from my fingertips down to my toes urges me not to.

I have more important

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