Buried in Secrets (Carly Moore #4) - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,70

to quit takin’ so long and make my move already.”

I laughed. That sounded like Hank.

I quickly got dressed, wishing I’d taken another shower since I was sure I smelled like Marco. Not that I cared, but I didn’t want an inquisition. Nor did I want this to be any more awkward than it already would be. Marco had left the room, and I found him in the kitchen, wearing a pair of gym shorts and pouring coffee into a travel mug. God bless the timer on his coffee maker.

“I can get coffee at Hank’s,” I said as I packed my notebook into my purse.

“I know, but I figured you could use the caffeine, especially since you’re about to go deal with Wyatt’s bullshit.”

I walked over and kissed him, then stared up into his eyes. “You’re the man I want, Marco.”

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “If you wanted to be with Wyatt, you could have gotten back together with him months ago. And I get why you’re doin’ this. You want to make sure Hank is taken care of.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

“I’m not goin’ try to control you, Carly. Lovin’ you doesn’t mean puttin’ you in a cage. I love the person you are, which means I respect the decisions you make.”

Why had I ever questioned this man’s intentions? I kissed him again, letting it linger for longer than I’d meant to

He groaned and pushed me back a few inches. “No doubt I’ll regret this later, but you need to go now or I might keep you here for another half hour.”

I grinned up at him. “Only a half hour?”

He swatted me on the butt. “Off with you.” But he walked me out to my car and opened the door, giving me another kiss before I got in.

He handed me the coffee, then rested his arm on top of the car. “You get off at midnight?”

“Yeah,” I said as I put the cup in the holder in the console.

“Do you need to stay with Hank tonight?”

“I don’t know,” I said, feeling torn. I hadn’t seen Hank for nearly twenty-four hours, and now I was only dropping in for breakfast. Then again, he wouldn’t be up when I got off work at midnight, which meant it would make no difference if I spent the night with Marco. “No.” I grinned. “Do you have something in mind?”

“Obviously, I’m bein’ too subtle.” He kissed me again, so thoroughly that when he pulled away, I forgot why I was sitting in my car.

“I’ll be here.”

He only laughed for a moment before turning serious. “I’m coming to the tavern tonight, but call and check in with me at some point today, okay? Or multiple times.”

“I’ll check in when I can.”

He hesitated, then reached in and cupped my cheek. “I love you.” Worry filled his eyes, like he was still afraid to say it. Like I’d suddenly change my mind.

“I love you too,” I said, still amazed that I was letting myself say it.

He shut my door, then watched from the porch as I backed out of the driveway and drove away. I indulged myself in a fantasy of coming home to Marco every night. He was the best man I’d ever known, and I knew that I could not only trust him, but he’d fill my life with happiness and fun. I wanted to give him that too.

If the chance wasn’t stolen from us.

Wyatt’s truck was in front of Hank’s house when I pulled up a few minutes after eight. I was halfway surprised Hank hadn’t convinced Wyatt to eat breakfast on the porch…and relieved that he hadn’t. I hurried inside, hearing the murmuring of voices in the kitchen, and dropped my overnight bag and purse in my room. Before I left, I scooped up Letty, who’d been curled up on the comforter, and carried her with me.

The two men were sitting at the kitchen table, and it looked like they were halfway through with their breakfast. Wyatt had made pancakes, and while he hadn’t cooked real bacon, he’d heated up some sausage links.

Hank glanced up at me and grinned from ear to ear, but Wyatt didn’t look happy.

“Sorry I’m late,” I said, standing in the kitchen doorway, rubbing the back of Letty’s head. “I overslept.”

Hank winked, then gestured to the empty chair on his right side, opposite Wyatt. “There’s still some breakfast left and plenty of coffee.”

Wyatt started to stand. “I’ll get you a cup.”

“I can get it,” I said, putting

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