Buried in Secrets (Carly Moore #4) - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,100

ask him then.”

Marco pressed his lips together, then nodded. “Maybe I’ll go with you. Jim Palmer’s funeral is that afternoon.”

I wasn’t going to complain.

Movement on the street caught my eye, and I saw Hank hobbling toward the edge of the parking lot with his crutches. He was wearing a button-down checkered shirt and jeans, the right leg rolled up and pinned.

“Hank.” I covered my face with my hands as tears sprang to my eyes.

Marco put his hand on my shoulder. “Go see him. I’ve got this covered.”

I scooted around the edge of the table and hurried over to him. When he saw me, he gave me a big smile.

“You’re here!” I exclaimed as I got closer.

“Wyatt came and got me.”

Wyatt stood to the side, watching with his thumbs hooked under the waistband of his jeans.

“Thank you,” I said to him as a tear slid down my cheek.

“No cryin’,” Hank grumped. “I thought you’d be happy to see me.”

“You have no idea,” I said, throwing my arms around him and hugging him tight.

He patted my back. “There, there, girlie. You’re gonna knock me over.”

Laughing, I released him. “Are you hungry? Do you want to sit down? We can get you a chair. Do you want me to get you some water?”

“Slow down,” he said with a grin. “I know I don’t get out of the house much, but I’m not a shut-in. You’re right. I need to get out more, and Wyatt’s gonna get my car set up tomorrow so I can start driving myself around.”

“I’m still going to your doctor appointments in Greeneville,” I said in a stern voice.

“You’re only sayin’ that because you want your Church’s Chicken.”

“Maybe. But I also want to talk to your doctors and make sure you’re not pullin’ a fast one on me.”

He laughed. “Deal. Now why are you standin’ here talkin’ to me? I want to see you dancin’ with that man of yours.”

“Marco’s manning the drink table. Speaking of which, do you want me to get you a drink? Have you been good with your diet today? Maybe you can splurge and have a beer.”

He cast a glance at Marco. “I’m fine with water. You go get it, and I’ll find a place to park myself.”

I went back over to Marco and walked behind the table to get a bottle of water.

“Did Wyatt go pick up Hank?” he asked.

I grimaced. “Yeah.”

“That was nice of him. Honestly, I should have thought of it.”

“I suppose Wyatt thought of it because he’s fixing up Hank’s car to make him more independent. I did mention earlier that I wished he could come, but we were too busy setting up for me to get him, and even if I had, he would have tired out quickly, staying here so long.”

“See? This works out better. I’m glad Wyatt got him, Carly,” he said earnestly. “I’m just sayin’ I feel like a heel for not thinkin’ of it myself. I could have gone and picked him up before I came.”

“We’re not used to the idea of him coming into town for things. We’ll both think of it next time.” I lifted the bottle of water. “I’m gonna take this to Hank.”

“Okay. Have you seen Max? I don’t see him anywhere, and we’re going to need to change the keg soon.”

“Maybe he went inside. I have to go to the bathroom, anyway, so I can look for him.”

“Sounds good.”

Wyatt had moved a chair to the parking lot, next to the grassy back edge, and Hank was sitting in it with his crutches lying on the ground next to him. He was watching the dancers with a wistfulness I’d never seen on his face.

I handed him the bottle, then squatted next to him. “Are you thinking of Mary right now?”

He released a soft laugh. “That woman loved to dance. The town used to put on monthly dances in the summer, and Mary always wanted to go. She would dance all night, leavin’ me utterly exhausted, but she’d still be dancing through the front door when we got home. This makes me think of happier times.”

I reached up and grabbed his hand, giving it a soft squeeze.

“Did Bart come too? And Floyd Bingham?”

“Yep. The dance was considered neutral ground. No nonsense allowed.” He cast a glance down at me. “It was for the town’s sake. So people would feel safe, and they wouldn’t worry about gettin’ caught in any cross-fire.”

“Literal?” I asked, wide-eyed.

He shrugged as though it was no big deal. “That too.

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