The Burglar in the Closet - By Lawrence Block Page 0,60

dental scalpels and everything.”

“I know.”

“So if Grabow didn’t kill her—”

“Somebody else did. And killed Grabow so that I’d get blamed for it, although why I’d kill that gorilla in my own apartment is something else again. And whoever it was scattered some of Crystal’s jewelry around so that I’d be locked into her murder, as if I wasn’t already. That would be really intelligent of me, wouldn’t it? Killing Grabow with another convenient dental scalpel and then tucking one of Crystal’s bracelets under the corpse.”

“Is that where they found it?”

“How in hell do I know where they found it? Nyswander found it, whatever the hell it was. Diamonds, emeralds, I don’t know. I haven’t seen any of that garbage since I got it all packed up for someone else to steal. How the hell do I know where it was? I barely remember what it looked like.”

“You don’t have to snap at me, Bernie.”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I’ve got my head in a frame and I can’t think straight. It’s all crazy, it’s all circumstantial evidence and it doesn’t make any sense, but I think they’ve got enough to nail me.”

“But you didn’t do it,” she said, and then her gaze narrowed slightly. “You said you didn’t do it,” she said.

“I didn’t. But if you put twelve jurors in a box and showed them all this evidence and I stood up there and said I didn’t do it and they should believe me because it would have been stupid for me to do it that way—well, I know what my lawyer would say. He’d tell me to make a deal.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’d arrange for me to plead guilty to a reduced charge. And the District Attorney’s office would be glad to get a sure conviction without the hazard of a trial, and I’d cop a plea to something like manslaughter or felony murder and I’d wind up with, I don’t know, five-to-ten upstate. I could probably be back on the street in three years.” I frowned. “Of course it may be different with Grabow dead, too. With two corpses in the picture they’d probably hold out for Murder Two and even with good behavior time and everything I’d be out of circulation for upward of five years.”

“But if you were innocent, how could your lawyer make you plead guilty?”

“He couldn’t make me do anything. He could advise me.”

“That’s why Craig switched lawyers. That man Blankenship just assumed he was guilty, and Mr. Verrill knew he wasn’t.”

“And now Craig’s out on the street.”


“Even if I had a lawyer who believed in me, he’d have to be crazy to go to court with what they’ve got against me.”

She started to say something but I wasn’t listening. I felt a thought slipping around somewhere in the back of my mind and I went after it like a dog trying to catch his tail.

I got the phone book. What was Frankie’s last name? Ackerman, Frances Ackerman. Right. I found her listed as Ackerman F on East Twenty-seventh Street, just a few blocks from all her favorite bars. I dialed the number and listened to the telephone ring.

“Who are you calling, Bernie?”

I hung up, looked up Knobby Corcoran’s number, dialed it. No answer.

I tried Frankie a second time. Nothing.


“I’m in a jam,” I said.

“I know.”

“I think I’m going to have to turn myself in.”

“But if you’re innocent—”

“I’m wanted on murder charges, Jillian. Maybe I’ll even wind up copping a plea. I hate the idea, but it looks as though I might not have any choice. Maybe I can get lucky and some new evidence will come to light while I’m awaiting trial. Maybe I can hire a private detective to investigate this thing professionally. I’m not having much luck as an amateur. But if I keep running around like this I’m taking the chance of getting shot by some trigger-happy cop. And the corpses are just piling up around me and I’m scared. If I’d turned myself in a day ago nobody could have framed me for Grabow’s murder.”

“What are you going to do? Go down to police headquarters?”

I shook my head. “Kirschmann wanted me to surrender to him. He said I’d be safe that way. All he wanted was to be credited with the pinch. What I want is to have a lawyer present when I turn myself in. They can keep you incommunicado for seventy-two hours, just shuttling you around from one precinct to another without formally booking you. I don’t know Copyright 2016 - 2024