Bullied Cinderella - Hollie Hutchins Page 0,58

tearing through me. The only thing muffling my cries was his hard cock pumping into my mouth.

But a noise cut everything off all at once. I was too deep in our sex daze to make it out at first, but it became alarmingly clear all too quickly. A man’s voice. Two men’s voices. Dario and Jorge’s voices. The sirens blared in my head as Leo and I jerked up from our very compromising position.

To our horror, both Jorge and Dario were standing a few feet away glaring at us with wide-open mouths and eyes.

“I knew it!” Jorge shouted, pointing an accusing finger at us.

Leo scrambled to find my clothes and quickly draped them across my naked body. Of course, his first concern would be to keep his cousins from seeing what he had decided belonged to him and only him. I wasn’t any more thrilled about it than he was and clung to the covering of my clothes as tightly as I could, but it was too late. I retraced our movements in my mind, remembering how I extended my leg up into the air to let Leo take me into his mouth completely. From where Dario and Jorge were standing, they would have seen more of me than I cared to think about. I was mortified, and my cheeks turned hot red.

“What the fuck are you two doing here!?” Leo thundered as he struggled to throw on his pants, not even bothering with his underwear.

Oddly enough, the only thing I could think about as I watched him, at least for a brief second, was that he hadn’t finished before they walked up. But remembering how intensely, and loudly, I orgasmed quickly overshadowed that moment of pity. Dario and Jorge had gotten quite the show, much to my dismay.

“We knew you were up to something out here,” Jorge yelled back. “I should have known this had something to do with her.”

Dario sulked behind him, pointedly avoiding eye contact with me - which I was more than fine with. But I could see his wounded expression and knew he felt hurt.

“I thought you...That maybe you and I…,” he stuttered like a child, unable to express just how blindsided he felt.

I was embarrassed and growing very tired with how ridiculously immature all three of them managed to be, even as grown men.

“Dario, please. You and I kissed once. And that was weeks ago.”

“You said you wanted to see me again,” he argued.

Leo’s eyes darted between us with rage. “You kissed!?”

“She’s toying with us,” Jorge declared. “All of us. I bet this all has something to do with her vendetta against us. This is all a part of some big plan. I’m just as sure of that as I was sure that we’d find you two out here like this.”

“Well, I didn’t expect to find them like that,” Dario mumbled resentfully.

Leo stood tall above me, taking it all in. Every so often he’d cut his eyes down to me, and I knew he had a lot to say but wasn’t about to give his cousins the satisfaction of hearing any of it. I could see the doubts flashing over his eyes, but he was still clinging to what he thought he knew. That whatever was happening between us was world’s apart from any plans for revenge or anything that went on with me and the others. Whatever we had to discuss would wait until later, in private.

“Can you honestly tell us this isn’t what you hoped would happen!?” Jorge raved. “That you didn’t lead each of us on and then lure him out here, just hoping we’d catch you like this!?”

I thought back on what they must have seen when they walked up and knew without question that I would have never orchestrated something so humiliating. My original plan of revenge was still weighing on me, no matter how accidental this was. It was all I had wanted, but everything had changed.

“When mother finds out about this, she’ll disown you,” Jorge barked to Leo. “She’ll make sure you’re left penniless. And you!” He stabbed his finger in the air towards me. “Everyone will know how you shamed our family and seduced all of us. They’ll all see you for the whore you are, and if your own mother and sisters don’t toss you out on the street, everyone else will run you out of town!”

I imagined the rumors and how they’d spread, and immediately thought of Elaina. I couldn’t let my own soiled

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