Bullied Cinderella - Hollie Hutchins Page 0,49

and ass glistening with beads of water against the sunlight was probably the worst sight I had to endure so far - even worse than watching her pleasure herself. She was completely exposed and begging to be handled.

I watched her walk in the nude down the creek. She ventured out further than she ever had before until she came to a runoff that led to deeper waters. She didn’t hesitate to dive in and begin swimming around. I stood corrected. Seeing her curves float weightlessly in the water was far worse than watching her naked body in the sun. I could imagine crawling in after her and effortlessly lifting her up and down over my throbbing cock with the water splashing around us.

She rolled over onto her back, exposing her breasts above the surface of the water. I prayed for her not to do what I thought she’d do next, but the heavens were not in my favor. She tip-toed her fingers down her torso and once again pressed them between her legs. She swam around, floating on the surface, stroking her folds. It was too much. I couldn’t take it anymore.

I had to do something...anything besides just stroking myself behind the bushes. All the while she probably suspected my nearby presence and was doing all of this just to torture me. I just needed to have her again, and she obviously wanted the same. Her motives meant nothing to me now. I didn’t care who won anymore.



In my mind, Leo was fucking me up against a wall. I had seen enough of those big strong arms of his and been carried by them more than once. I knew he could support my weight while expertly gliding in and out of me to my heart’s content. I was just getting started, and I could already feel my wetness seeping out into the water I was floating in.

But suddenly I heard ripples against the edge of the bank that made me worry I wasn’t alone. I thought I was being paranoid, so I only glanced over at first - not even bothering to remove my hands from between my legs while doing so. Then I saw him.

Leo. I jumped with a gasp, and let my naked body sink back underneath the thin veil of the water. I wanted to ask what the hell he was doing, but he was several steps ahead of me. He was shedding his clothes as he stepped down into the water.

“Is this what gets you off?” he asked in an angry tone. “Provoke men? Push them over the edge?”

“I...I...what do you...I wasn’t…,” I stammered, noting how alarmingly fast he was moving toward me. With each step he took he shed another layer of clothing. He pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his chiseled chest and then moved down to the zipper of his pants. He tugged at it slowly until finally his big, throbbing hard cock was exposed.

“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” His voice dropped into a low, tormented grumble...one that was torturously sexy and gave me an idea of exactly what it was I did to him.

He continued wading towards me until he was so close I could smell that manly scent of his that had been haunting my dreams. I wanted to scream, but I didn’t know if it was out of fear or out of surrender.

“Lucia…” He stopped only inches away and studied my expression carefully. He was controlling himself, but I could see he was dangerously close to losing that game.

Elaina’s words echoed through my brain. There was my desire to give myself over to him completely even though I knew I shouldn’t. Was it Leo’s flaws that made me think I shouldn’t? Or something more deeply ingrained into me? It all circled back around to...Would it really be so bad if I let myself do this...again?

Before I knew the answer, my hand reached out and clawed down the rippling muscles of his stomach. He gripped my wrist tightly and stared deep into my eyes. He was stalling for some reason, and I didn’t know why.

“You’ve been thinking of me...touching yourself,” he murmured.

My cheeks grew hot. I should have felt embarrassed, but I didn’t. I had been fantasizing about him and feeling less guilty about it with each orgasm. And now in the middle of it, he had shown up as if I had conjured him. Like a present wrapped and delivered to my feet.

“Yes,” I

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