Bullied Cinderella - Hollie Hutchins Page 0,47

wanted to touch herself - fine. But I could at least take her nipples into my mouth and run my hands along her body until she coaxed the climax out. I was too afraid to move and risk disrupting her. I remembered our last interaction and knew any sudden appearance from me wouldn’t be met kindly...especially under these circumstances.

The sounds seeping from her pink lips were like music in the air, and it was a new kind of experience to be able to take them in from a distance without my own pleasure and my own labored breathing to drown them out. I could hear every sweet whimper and broken moan. But then something else started quietly sneaking out, and that was the thing that sent me over the edge.

Oh, Leo...Oh God, yes! Leo!

She continued moaning and crying my name, and that was when I couldn’t resist taking part. I quickly reached into my pants and pulled out my throbbing erection. If she was thinking of me while she came, I wanted to be there right along with her. If I couldn’t hold her ever again, I could at least have that much.

I stroked myself to the same rhythm I saw her hands moving in while relishing in the sound of my name on her lips. I only wished I could see what images she was playing out in her mind, or better yet act them out in person. It didn’t matter. Even from all the way over there she had turned me on more than I ever thought possible. She surrendered one hand back against the ground, curling her fingers, while she thrashed her head back and forth. As soon as I heard her broken cries grow louder while her hips bucked and her legs shook, I spilled out onto the ground.

I watched as Lucia laughed to herself as she came down from her own wave of pleasure, and I had to chuckle a little under my breath as well. I watched as she stepped off into the water and washed off. But soon after, she slid back into her shoes and sauntered off back into the brush line, on the path to her house.

I had never felt so empty as when I watched her disappear in the bushes. She had no idea I had been watching, but she was thinking of me. And I wanted more than anything to feel her close to me now that it was over. To experience that kind of pleasure and then to be left with nothing but empty air was pure torture.

It put me in a rather sour mood, which made no sense. It was everything I wanted, really. Better than I could have imagined. To see her exposed flesh again and to watch her melt into her own unbridled passion. We didn’t have to fight or talk, and I got to hear her call out my name. Afterward, everything went back to the way it was and nothing was complicated. It was the simplest, purest form of interaction I could ever hope for with her.

But like everything with Lucia...nothing satisfied me. It only left me wanting more. So much that the following day I found myself returning to the creek again, this time on foot - just to ensure that if I did see her again, nothing threatened to give away my presence. Once again she was there. Only this time nothing so insidious happened. She lounged in the grass, ran her fingers in the water. She stared at the clouds and looked lost in thought. There was no touching herself or shedding her clothes, but she looked happy. Content. That was almost just as entertaining and pleasing to watch.

I crept back to my hiding spot again on the third day, expecting something just as innocent. But this time she didn’t lay there long before snaking her fingers between her legs again. Just as it had happened the first time, she called out my name and pushed herself to the brink. It was more maddening this time. If she wanted me, why wouldn’t she just come and get me?

I didn’t touch myself that time. Instead, I watched her finish and then stormed off back home. That night, I paced in my room for hours feeling like I was losing my mind. I thought back on the night I burst into the shed and kicked myself for not kissing her back. I should have lost myself there and threw her back down

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