Bullied Cinderella - Hollie Hutchins Page 0,44

We took our chance to grill her about it, and I was relieved for the change of subject. Elaina told us all about their strange arrangement between the three of them, but I could see she was still holding back. There was something about what happened between them that she didn’t want Jada to know. I could tell by the way she glinted her eyes at me that it was perhaps something she thought I would understand...if we ever had a moment alone together.

“Well, I don’t think Lucia has feelings for all of the cousins,” Jada concluded, of course bringing everything back around to me. “Jorge is too much of a snake and Dario is too naive.”

“So then that only leaves Leonardo,” Elaina replied.

“Could you two not talk about me like I’m not here!? I hate the Valencia cousins with a burning passion.”

“Burning passion!” they chortled and mocked me in unison.

“You two are intolerable,” I huffed, heading for the door. “We should get back out there to Mama before she starts eavesdropping. I don’t think she could handle hearing your tales of your threesomes with the brothers.”

They groaned and followed me back into the open area of the house obediently. We gathered around the table and enjoyed Jada’s decadent meal, laughing and telling stories the whole time. It was the perfect afternoon. But once we had finished eating and the baby was laid down for her nap, Elaina made it clear that she had something important to tell us while she was here. Something that Mama was apparently in on.

“And what of your news?” Mother asked her after a while, referring to something Jada and I were in the dark about.

A faint smile curled on the edges of Elaina’s lips, but I could tell there was a catch to whatever it was she was about to tell us. She took on an air of delivering good, but potentially ill-received news.

“Yes, I believe I have found someone who is perfect,” she answered, darkening her eyes at Jada.

“Someone who is perfect for what?” she asked with wide eyes.

Elaina reached across the table and squeezed Jada’s hands. “Baby sister, you know we have been talking about how important it is for us to secure our new place. It’s not enough that we have the inheritance. Even my unity with the Perez brothers doesn’t give us the footing we need to uphold through future generations. And we do want to ensure that our children and grandchildren never have to struggle the way we once did.”

“Yeah…,” Jada said slowly, looking afraid of what she might say next.

“So, Mama asked me to see about setting up an arrangement for you.”

“An arrangement for what?”

“Marriage, of course.”

Jada flew into what can only be described as an overstated, dramatic, hysterical fit. Her arms flailed. She moaned out in sorrow. Being the baby of us sisters, she always had a talent for theatrics, but this scene was almost too comedic. However, her portrayal of it might have been...I did feel for the true heartache and fear that she was going through.

“I refuse!” Jada screamed after she had calmed down, only a little. “I don’t want to be married off to some stranger! I don’t want to be married at all! At least not any time soon! What about Lucia!? She’s older than me! Why can’t she do it?”

“Oh, Jada, you’re twenty-four years old,” Elaina said dryly. “It’s not like you’re a child bride. And as for Lucia…” she cut her eyes over to me in a strangely secretive way. “I see another potential for her. Anyway, these arrangements work best for someone under twenty-five. There are more options that way, and you do want to be married off to someone who’s smart and attractive, don’t you?”

Jada and Elaina continued bickering over the arrangement for a while. But what it finally came down to was that Jada had never been to an auction, so she could never understand what Elaina and I had been through for our family. It was her turn to step up and do her part to ensure that our children never had to subject themselves to such cruelties just to get by.

Eventually, it was time for Elaina and the baby to return home. Jada wasn’t too thrilled about leaving their argument up in the air, but as far as Mama and Elaina were concerned - it was settled. I felt sick in the pit of my stomach for Jada. I wouldn’t want to be in her position

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