Bullied Cinderella - Hollie Hutchins Page 0,41

hard on yourself. I wouldn’t expect anything different from a woman in your position.”

“In my position!?”

“You weren’t raised to know how to concern yourself with these matters, and you act on emotion rather than your logic,” I shrugged.

“That’s funny coming from you,” she bit back, grasping for straws at any argument against me.

“I’m going to hire a lawyer to see to the delimitation of the property lines and you should do the same.”

“This is just your way of trying to exert your control,” she huffed.

“And what if they determine the fence is too far back and that you have in fact cheated yourself out of some of the property? I’m only trying to help both of us here.”

She squirmed in her seat with rage, but she knew I was right. I tried to reach out for her hand, in a friendly gesture, but of course, she jerked it away.

“I think we both know it is best for your family for this feud between us to be settled,” I added.

“What’s best for us is getting revenge for the ways you treated me before I rose to this position,” she argued with a fuming resolve. I could see that she had been dreaming of her plot against us since the day I tossed her into the shed after the incident with Don German, or maybe even since the day she first came to our estate.

“Oh, and being raped by Jorge is part of your revenge?” I stabbed at her, pouring salt in her wounds. Her rage was reaching almost uncontainable proportions by then. “Look, about everything that happened with Don German...and all that transpired when you were employed with us...It’s like the property lines. You’ve never managed staff before, so I don’t expect you to understand…”

She flew her hand in the air to silence me and began pulling at the handle of the door. “Just stop talking! And let me out of this fucking car! I can’t stand to be near you, listening to you babble on like this…”

But the door didn’t budge. “It only opens from the outside,” I told her, making no effort to go around and let her out. Not yet. “I’m only trying to say that I do feel bad for what you went through. And seeing how rash it has made you behave ever since.”

“But you take no responsibility for your part in any of it!? You’re not man enough to ever apologize for anything.”

“Maybe that’s just as well,” I grinned. “You don’t want a man, remember? Not even Jorge or Dario. You don’t want any of us.”

The more she fidgeted and fussed with the door, hopelessly, the more I started to feel guilt creeping in. It was a fairly new emotion for me, but one that seemed to rear its head a lot around Lucia.

“I wanted to see you after Dario told us you were innocent,” I confessed. “But it was too late. You were long gone, and I didn’t have another chance to talk to you until you flaunted yourself around at that landowner’s party.”

“I’m not falling for your bull shit again,” she replied. “You just feign regret and feeling sorry enough to break me down...so you can take advantage of me or spew off all of your real feelings. I’ll never be equal in your eyes, and that’s why I will hire a lawyer and see to it that the fence is finished. If my family’s land has to line up with yours, I at least want to make sure that there’s a barrier between us.”

“So then you’ll stop whatever ridiculous plots for revenge you think you have figured out? And leave my family alone? I don’t think I need to tell you that a harassment lawsuit would be every bit as costly and damaging to you as the fence proceedings would be.”

“Will you please just let me out of this car!?” she shrieked, pulling at the handle so hard I thought she might break it.

Finally, I got out and walked around the truck to let her out. She breezed right past me without saying a word. I watched to make sure she made it inside okay. She could hate me all she wanted, but I was glad she was home safe, at least.

As I drove home, I felt proud of everything I was able to get over on her in our little talk. I felt that I proved once and for all that she had no business trying to play this game she

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