Bullied Cinderella - Hollie Hutchins Page 0,36

nervous laughter as well. I let them get more used to the idea that maybe it was all just a big joke. Then when they were all erupting in laughter at their own fear from moments ago, without warning, I picked up the closest glass and chucked it across the room at the head of one of the men who was keeping quiet for Jorge.

It shattered against his skull. It was nothing fatal, but enough to give him a nasty gash and disorient him a bit. I let the shock of my unpredictable actions wash over them all, then returned to my speech.

“And my father would dance around like that for quite a while until several of the workers were pretty badly wounded. Eventually, he’d find out what he wanted to know, and everyone would still get fired. So, you see...the moral of the story is...I’m fine to keep working my way around the table cracking open your skulls, or someone can tell me where the hell Jorge is and maybe some of you will still have a job by tomorrow morning.”

One of my suspects had his eyes glued on the guy next to him - the one I had just thrown the glass at. Blood was streaming down his face. It was enough to scare him into talking.

“He took that Chavez girl out to his shed!” he confessed earnestly. “The one that used to work here. He had us rig this whole thing with a flat tire on his truck to make it work out the way he wanted. He said he probably wouldn’t be back tonight and told us not to tell anyone where he was...especially not you.”

There was some chatter about Jorge’s own threats to their jobs. They were all very confused now about if they were getting fired for telling me, or if the others were getting fired for not telling me. Either way, I knew what I needed to know and stormed off without another word. As much as I loved tormenting them, I was not about to let Jorge go through with whatever he thought he was pulling off with Lucia.

I burst into the house and grabbed my shotgun. Dario of course caught up to me and ran behind in a frenzy, asking a million questions. I ignored him completely. I was on a mission and didn’t need him slowing me down. I nearly ran over his toes with my tires as I peeled the truck out of the driveway.



I was in shock over Jorge’s refusal to listen to me. Sure, I had a bad feeling growing all night, but I didn’t take him for a rapist. I would have never followed him out to this stupid shed if I suspected anything like that - not that I had much of a choice. He continued forcing his lips to mine and groping along my body. My clothes were half torn off, and he continued growling through his arousal - ignoring the fact that I was struggling to get away from him.

The alcohol in my system made it hard for me to keep up with him. I was confused, and still in shock that any of it was happening. But it became frighteningly real as he wedged himself between my legs and began unbuttoning his pants. I wanted to knee him in the balls, but my legs were pinned beneath his weight.

My requests for him to stop were changing rapidly. They started as confused and nervous laughs then turned very stern. When the change in tone didn’t work, I started screaming and slapping his back. That’s when it became very clear that this was happening whether I wanted it to or not. I screamed louder, trying to break through to him in whatever horny, drunken stupor he had slipped off into.

The moment reality of what was about to happen to me set in, there was a loud booming sound of splintering wood. Jorge jumped and whipped his head around, giving me a clear view of Leonardo standing there with something big and black in his hands. I didn’t realize what it was until there was a deafening shot that made my ears ring and filled the room with smoke.

Leo cocked the gun as we wrapped our heads around what just happened. I half expected Jorge to fall down dead on top of me followed by a gush of blood, but slowly we looked up to see the giant hole blasted through the ceiling. Jorge laughed

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