Bullied Cinderella - Hollie Hutchins Page 0,3

missed home more than ever.



With the new caregiver turned over to the rest of the staff to get her settled in, my cousins and I retreated to our private space in the basement. Late at night when the rest of the house was fast asleep, we could go to our little downstairs parlor to drink and throw darts. We’d carry on for hours late into the night, but that night’s conversation was particularly juicy. We had a new young pretty face around the house to discuss.

“She was hotter than I expected,” Jorge mused over his mug of beer.

“So hot!” Dario agreed, waving his hands through the air, mocking the shape of her curves. “Just the way I like them. Dark, petite but curvy.”

Our words drifted to dirty thoughts as we each grunted lustfully, but I was not about to be so vocal about my attraction to her. My mother hated it when we went on about the staff, no matter how gorgeous or subservient they were. They could be appreciated for their work ethic and nothing else, and even that was always questionable by Angela’s standards.

“I give her a month. Maybe less,” Jorge added. “If she isn’t fired by then, she’ll be so lonely and aching for a man that it’ll be easy to steal her away for some action in a closet somewhere.”

“You know Mother would kill you if she ever found out about you fucking the staff,” Dario cautioned, rolling his eyes.

“Only the cute ones,” he argued.

“Well, try not to get this one fired,” I snapped. “Now don’t we have anything better to talk about?”

Our mother was strict, to say the least, and she played her cards well. We were grown men and didn’t like to be controlled by her, but she was very good at guilting us into doing just that. Any time we questioned her too much, the tears would start and the handkerchief would come out. She’d cite everything she’d done for us and how important family was.

Jorge and Dario lost their parents in an accident when they were very young. My parents stepped up to take in the two orphans, but tragedy struck our family once again when my father died of a heart attack. My mother never let us forget that she was left on her own to raise the three of us. Of course, she had a fortune behind her and a whole staff of nannies and housekeepers to help.

But that didn’t stop her from keeping a close watch on us. You couldn’t blame Jorge for wanting to fool around with the staff. We weren’t allowed to hang around anyone else outside of our affluent high society friends, and the women in that lot were stuck up and boring - exactly what Angela wanted for us. Just not the most entertaining company to keep.

Every time she caught Jorge, or any of us, making eyes at one of the maids, they’d be fired soon after. A caregiver for our father wouldn’t be so easily replaced, and I wanted things to be calm for a little while.

But it was my own wandering eyes that I found myself worrying about the next morning when I walked through as Angela was giving the new girl a rundown on her job requirements. She had given Lucia the most hideous dirt brown dress and stockings to wear because of her fears about us fraternizing with the staff. It literally looked like she was wearing a brown paper bag sewn into a sad excuse for a garment.

But even under that ridiculous uniform, you could see the curve of her breasts and hips. I was starved for female companionship, and couldn’t help but stop and take in the scene, even if I had to keep my urges well hidden. It would be entertaining to see Angela lay into her if nothing else.

“You’ll wake up each morning at three o’clock sharp to get ready for the day. I expect you showered and well-groomed when you report to the kitchen at four on the dot,” she barked, pacing back and forth in front of Lucia. “You will help the cooks prepare my father’s breakfast. They will give you the specifics of his diet and allergies. You’ll also be responsible for gathering his morning pills and ensuring that you deliver them to him with his breakfast tray.”

She went on and on with the most painfully specific details about when and how his blinds were to be drawn, how his pillows should be fluffed,

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