Bulletproof Bride - By Diana Duncan Page 0,79

barely speak around the lump in her throat. "I believe you."

His eyes warmed to soft green velvet before he lowered his lids, hiding his expression. Burying his face in her neck, he pressed a kiss to her throat. "It's about time, Houdini." His voice shook, and fine tremors racked his body.

"I know you've been hurt." She stroked his silky hair. "But I won't let you down; I won't hurt you. Don't be afraid. You can trust me."

He uttered a ragged laugh that didn't quite cover an edge of panic. "Isn't that supposed to be my line?"

"Love me, Gabe."

"I'm lost," he mumbled so low she could barely hear. His body tensed.

He was ready to bolt. She had to do something. Grasping his hand, she cupped his palm over her bare breast. "How about if I draw you a map," she whispered back.

After several anxious heartbeats, he relaxed. She felt his lips curve into a smile against her neck. He drew a shuddering breath and raised up to gaze into her eyes. "X marks the spot?"

She winked reassuringly, made her tone playful. "Buried treasure."

His smile broadened into a grin. "Pillage and plunder never sounded so good."

Delighted with her success at calming his fears, she answered with a smile of her own. Perhaps if he could trust her with his body, intimately joined with hers in lovemaking, he would learn to trust her with his heart. "Well, then Matey, raise the mizzen mast and full speed ahead."

He laughed again, full and throaty this time. "My mizzen mast has been on full alert since the minute we met, Matey."

"I think you're all talk and no action, Mr. Bond."

"You want action?" His eyes twinkled. "I'll give you so much action, you'll beg for mercy."

She heaved a melodramatic sigh. "All I get are cheap promises."

He lowered his head and his tongue flicked her nipple. She arched, and he closed his mouth over the taut bud, sucking hard. Coherent thought fled on a stream of bright sensation that pooled low and heavy in her abdomen. He suckled until she was mindless with pleasure before turning his attention to her other breast.

She breathlessly explored the smooth skin of his back, luxuriating in the strong muscles bunching under her palms. Her hands slid over the rough denim waistband of his jeans and cupped his buttocks, as hard and fit as the rest of him. "I want to see you, too."

"Aye-aye, ma'am. Your wish is my command." He levered upright. Kneeling above her in the flickering firelight, his hair tousled, his chest gleaming, his eyes dark with desire, he embodied pure male magnificence. One leisurely hand unsnapped his jeans. Slowly, ever so slowly, he worked open the zipper to reveal a lean, tanned abdomen and black briefs. He eased the denim over his hips, tossing the jeans to one side. A sensual smile flirted at the corners of his lips as he hooked his thumbs into his briefs. One teasing inch at a time, he tugged them down. The briefs joined his jeans on the rug.

She looked at the naked man smiling down at her. He was incredible. Beautifully tanned, ridged muscles, flat abdomen, sculpted male perfection, gloriously aroused. With desire for her. Her mouth went dry.

"Well?" His smiled widened. "Do I pass inspection?"

A moment ticked by, then another before she found her voice. "You're beautiful." She rose on her knees so they were face to face. She touched the fine whiskers on his cheek, traced his sensual lips. Unable to resist, she trailed her fingers down his neck to his hard shoulders and across his wide, satiny chest. His nipples hardened under her questing fingertips and he groaned.

Encouraged by his reaction, she leaned forward and licked. The smooth nub beaded under her tongue. His abdominal muscles clenched and the scorching length of him jerked against her stomach.

"Damn." He groaned again.

Realization of her feminine power flooded her in a heady rush as she kissed his hot skin, felt it ripple and jump beneath her lips. His breath rasped raggedly as she explored his other nipple. Intoxicated by his ready response, by his warm, unique male scent, she moved lower, kissing her way down his flat stomach.

"Sorry, sweetheart." He grasped her shoulders to draw her up eye level with him. "You've got to slow down, or you'll be left high and dry wondering what all the hoopla is about." He gently cupped her face in his big hands and captured her mouth with his.

She lost herself in the erotic wonder of

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