Bulletproof Bride - By Diana Duncan Page 0,64

catch up.

Calm down. He never had to find out. Two could play emotional hide-and-seek. She dashed the moisture from her eyes, set her jaw and changed her clothes.

So what if her hands trembled as she unbolted the door and exited the dressing room? Only she knew.

Arms crossed, Gate leaned against the wall in the corridor, facing her. His worried gaze shot to her face. "You're still pale. You went so white onstage, I thought you were gonna keel over."

The concern in his low, deep voice made her heart race. She focused on the cleft in his chin. "I've never fainted in my life. I got hit with a little stage fright, that's all."

Uncrossing his arms, he moved nearer. "Is that why you started to cry?"

She edged away. If he touched her, her brittle control would shatter. Out of the corner of her eye she caught his puzzled scrutiny. "Probably."

"It didn't affect your voice. You did good, damn good. You can be proud."

"Thank you. I'm beginning to realize I'm capable of doing things I never thought possible. Rise to the challenge."

A slow grin slid across his lips. "I keep trying to tell you that, honey. Maybe by the time I'm done, you'll believe me."

And maybe by the time he was done, her heart would be hanging in bloody, tattered pieces. She banished the dreadful image and raised her chin. "What's our next move?"

He nodded, warm admiration in his gaze. "You are definitely a class act."

Right. She would make sure he left town with that impression intact.

Even if it killed her.

* * *

Chapter 14

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After a miserable night, Tessa rose early. She showered, and then dressed in her gray wool suit. She'd wrestled down the demons of self-doubt during the dark, sleepless hours. And won. Today marked a new beginning. Striding out to the living room, she set her purse and briefcase on the arm of the sofa. She'd finished two cups of coffee by the time Gabe wandered into the kitchen barefoot, wearing snug, faded jeans and a dark green T-shirt that accentuated the sparkle in his eyes.

Squelching the awareness zinging through her nerve endings, she scuttled to his room while he was busy pouring coffee. She quietly pocketed his car keys off the dresser.

He glanced up as she joined him at the table. "You look like somebody dragged you through a knothole backwards."

"Thank you. That's one of the nicest things anyone has said to me first thing in the morning."

"Sorry. That was my way of asking what's on your mind." His eyes narrowed. "How come you're all dressed up?"

"I'm going to work." She glanced at her watch. "Right now."

"No way. The doctor told you to take three days off."

She slammed down her mug and coffee sloshed onto the table. "There is no doctor. You made him up, remember? I'm beginning to have serious doubts about your ability to differentiate your fantasies from reality."

"Somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed." He grinned, his good nature unruffled. "You were at the club until after one, and as far as the bank is concerned you've got another day off. It's the safest choice for now."

Not bothering to answer, she stalked to the hall closet and shrugged on her coat. Snatching up her purse and briefcase, she swept outside. She made it to the driveway and had the car door open before he caught up with her.

He slammed the door shut and pinned her against the car with his body. "What the hell?" Bewildered, he stared at her.

She glared back at him. Enforced confinement with him had chafed her already frazzled nerves raw. After her jolting realization last night, she had to get away for a while. "I'm reclaiming my life."

"You won't have a life if you don't chill out. You're staying home."

"Nothing has happened since Gregson's body was found. During the time you've been dogging my every step, you've apprehended one heartbroken teenager. You're overreacting." She shoved at his chest. "I'm going to work and you can't stop me." If she buried herself in work, she might be able to forget him for a while, feel something close to normal again.

He didn't budge. "What are you going to do, get out the motion sickness pills?" His lips quirked in amusement.

The smug smile clinched it. She stomped down hard on his bare foot.

"Ow!" He shook his foot.

She wrenched open the door, flung herself into the seat and slammed the door shut. She reached for the lock just as he yanked

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