Bulletproof Bride - By Diana Duncan Page 0,47

carpet. "This is a time for the family to circle the wagons."

Mel again patted the distraught woman. "You can tell me all about your girlhood when we get to the office." Mel tossed a wry look over her shoulder, and Tessa gave her friend a tremulous smile. Hurricane Mel to the rescue.

Tessa didn't dare look at Gabe. What must he think of her? She'd insisted on forging ahead with her plans, no matter the inconvenience to him. Worse, he'd been forced to baby-sit her while she ran all over town arranging this momentous event. Now, at the last possible minute, she was pulling the plug.

Needing time to collect herself, she fled to the ladies room. She sank onto a padded white vinyl bench and buried her face in her hands. She'd nearly let her yearning for a family override her common sense and made the worst mistake of her life.

The door creaked. The cushions beside her dipped. Warm fingers kneaded her neck.

She leaned into the comforting touch. "Back so soon? Thanks, Mel."

"You're welcome," Gabe's deep voice replied.

Tessa's head snapped up. Confused, she stared into his concerned green eyes. "I thought you were Mel."

"Nah, she's busy committing a mercy killing. Not that I blame her." Continuing to rub her neck, he touched her cheek with the other hand. "You went toe-to-toe with the dragon, Houdini." His expression turned enigmatic. "In more ways than one. And stood your ground."

She leaned into his touch. "I didn't expect this."

"Remember, honey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." His talented hand soothed the tight, aching muscles at her nape. "As my foster mom used to say, 'life is wonderful if you don't weaken.'"

"You're chock-full of happy little proverbs." In spite of her inner turmoil, she smiled at his attempt to help.

"You're doing the right thing, Tessie."

Her troubled glance traveled over the gold-and-cream decor. She sure hoped so. "That doesn't make it any easier."

He grinned. "If the right thing was easy, more people would do it."

"True. But I don't want to hurt anybody."

"Look at it this way, you're saving both of you a hell of a lot of pain in the long run."

"I'm sorry I put you through so much trouble."

"And I've never caused you any trouble?" His grin broadened. "I'd say we're finally even."

The door flew open. Mel rushed in, spotted Gabe and lurched to a stop. "Last time I looked, this was the ladies' room. And last time I looked, you most definitely are in the wrong plumbing department."

"Mel, honey, you may be vertically challenged, but you could bulldoze a hungry grizzly bear into retreat." Gabe's easy chuckle spilled out, warming Tessa and taking the edge off her anxiety. "Unlike Lucille, I'm smart enough to know when I'm outgunned."

Mel grinned at him. "And don't you forget it."

Her nerves jitterbugging, Tessa looked at her friend. "Is Dale ready?"

"Not yet. Lucille is pitching a royal hissy fit, and he and the reverend are still reining her in. They nixed my suggestion of a muzzle. He said to tell you it shouldn't be too much longer."

Gabe smiled. "So she's still alive and kicking, huh? You're slipping, Trixie Tornado." He gently stroked Tessa's neck one last time. "I'm outta here. Holler if you need anything."

"I'm feeling better. Let's all wait in the sanctuary."

They returned to the sanctuary, where only Phillip, the somber best man, remained. The trio joined him on the front pew. Heavy silence hung over the empty room.

She stared at the stained glass windows. Blood red and stark cobalt blue. C'mon, Dale, hurry up. She was looking forward to the looming discussion about as much as gum surgery, but wanted the ordeal over with.

Mel glanced at her watch. "That man had better not keep you hanging."

She'd like to confide her change of heart to her friend, but she owed it to Dale to tell him first. She and Mel would have plenty of time later to hash over her decision.

Finally, the sanctuary doors opened, and she swiveled. Dale trudged up the aisle. The dread mixed with sympathy in his expression reminded her of the doctor who had delivered the news that her father had died. She went rigid.

He leaned down, his voice low. "Sorry about the wait. Ready when you are."

Mel squeezed her hand, and Tessa rose on shaky legs. As she passed Gabe, his eyes flashed a silent message of encouragement. She held his gaze, drawing strength from the jade depths, then raised her chin and marched down the dark blue carpet.

Dale escorted her to

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