Bulletproof Bride - By Diana Duncan Page 0,36

still pulsed, thick and heavy in his blood. What had started as an impulsive prank had turned into a double-edged blade and speared him in the guts. He'd only meant to tease Tessa a little. But when the pulse in her ankle had galloped under his hands and her silky skin had trembled at his touch, he'd lost his head. Gone too far.

No doubt about it, the lady had been turned on. And so had he. He'd gloried in her response. Far more than he wanted to acknowledge. He'd committed a serious tactical error and let the situation escalate out of his control. Damn it, he'd never lost control with a woman before. His relationships with women had always been fun and playful, nothing more than a good-time romp.

However, he didn't feel at all casual about Tessa.

There was a light inside her, sweet warmth that beckoned to him from the darkness. The burning need to make love to her grew stronger every day. His need, his vulnerability filled him with fear. Because it wasn't just physical. The two of them shared an emotional pull both continued to deny. A smart man would make a hasty retreat before he got his wings singed.

He rolled over and viciously punched his pillow. From now on, his policy was strictly hands-off. Before he did something really stupid.

Like get attached to her.

That road led straight to perdition. Gabe had been there once, and once was enough to tear his heart to shreds, to shatter his trust. It had taken years to claw his way out of a lonely, agonizingly mute prison. He almost hadn't made it back.

He'd be damned if he was going to make a return trip.

He had nothing left for anyone to take away. And he sure as hell had nothing to give.

* * *

Chapter 8

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The next evening, Tessa stood in front of the mirror in Gabe's guest room, applying makeup in preparation for the banquet. The bruise on her forehead had faded to a shadow. She blotted concealer on it, and dabbed another layer on the purple rings under her eyes. Covering the ugly physical evidence of her sleepless night was easy. Too bad they didn't make a concealer for consciences.

Self-disgust and anger festered inside her like poison. She'd come so close to betraying Dale. She cared for him as a friend and partner. He was everything she wanted: solid, steady and loyal. Gabe was a temporary pesky fly in the ointment, and she was determined to ignore the temptation.

He'd actually been subdued since the under-the-desk incident. Perhaps he'd realized he'd crossed over the line. Heck, he'd traveled clear to another continent. However, she wouldn't hold her breath believing his sudden attack of good behavior would last long. Holding her breath until Gabe grew a conscience? Ha! Death by asphyxiation sounded unpleasant in the extreme.

Speaking of Mr. Adventure, he'd decided to attend the party as "Cousin Val," instead of Gabe Bond, hoping he could find out more information pretending to be her cousin than he could as an employee of the bank. She leaned forward to sweep another coat of dark brown mascara on her lashes. The man was acquiring so many aliases, she'd soon need a scorecard.

A knock sounded on the door. "Tessa? You ready?"

That was another thing. He'd called her by name for a full twenty-four hours. No honey, baby, sweetheart, Houdini, or even boss. This afternoon at the office in front of several employees, he'd respectfully addressed her as Miss Beaumont. The shock had rendered her speechless for sixty long seconds.

"Two minutes," she called out. After slicking on neutral lipstick, she stood back to examine her image. Her dress had been purchased at Mel's urging, mocha lace over satin with sheer lace sleeves and a straight, floor-length skirt that disguised her hips. She patted her upswept curls self-consciously. Though she'd never achieve beauty like Vivienne's, she looked good. Grabbing her cashmere shawl, she tossed it over one arm.

In the hall, she paused to watch Gabe prowl the living room. Gabe in a tuxedo was nothing short of magnificent. The jacket clung lovingly to his broad shoulders and narrow waist. Those lean, muscled legs looked even longer in tailored slacks. The pristine shirt rivaled his gleaming smile and emphasized his bronzed tan. And the black suit brought out the dark sheen in his hair and deepened his incredible green eyes.

Tessa groaned inwardly. Obsessing over him again. Not good. She wrestled her wayward thoughts into submission and forced herself

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