Bulletproof Bride - By Diana Duncan Page 0,100

response. He lifted his gaze to hers. Her eyes were alight with amber fire, glowing with fierce adoration.

She brought her mouth to his, her warm, ragged breaths feathering over his lips. "You'll never be alone again, Gabe. I love you. Forever."

His entire being exploded with a surge of love so intense, so bright, he shook. She cherished him. He never thought any woman would. She loved him. He'd never thought any woman could. And he never thought he'd be capable of loving and cherishing in return. He surrendered, willingly giving her everything. Even the part of him he'd always held back. Sweet, hot pleasure rocketed through him as he poured himself into her.

She quivered, her inner muscles contracting around him again and again. His gaze embraced her soul, and he cradled her body, protecting and treasuring her as she found fulfillment in his arms. The intense emotions that swept through him rocked him to the core.

Tessa blinked rapidly. Lights, colors, sparks swirled in her vision. Gasping for breath, she held fast to Gabe's gaze, the center of her spinning universe. His body was shuddering violently. She gripped his damp shoulders as he took her impossibly high, then higher, to paradise. Soaring, she rapidly crested a second time, crying out as ecstasy again flooded her.

Aftershocks rippled through her. Dazed, she clung to him. Tenderly he urged her closer. Murmuring encouragement and praise, he prolonged her pleasure by slowing to a gentle glide, drawing out the sensations. Sheltered in the safe haven of his embrace, she floated back to awareness. She didn't want their connection to end. She wanted to stay here forever, with his hardness and strength filling her, with his body enveloped in hers.

Staggering, overwhelming love for him welled up inside. Trembling uncontrollably, she buried her face in his neck, her ragged breaths inhaling his unique male scent, hot and damp with arousal.

He went still. "Damn it! I did hurt you."

"No. Making love to you is—" she gulped. "When you're inside of me and you look at me, I see, I see your soul. We're as close as two people can be, one person, one heart."

He dragged in a deep breath. He was trembling, too. "Heart of my heart, soul of my soul." His strong hands stroked her back in a soothing caress. "I'm sorry about this, sweetheart."

She pulled away to give him an incredulous look. "Whatever for? You just gifted me with the most incredible experience of my life."

"I wanted your first time to be special. Dinner, love songs, dancing, candles." A wry grin tilted his lips. "A bed."

She grinned back. "This is the most beautiful music I've ever made on a piano. We can make love in bed the second time." Her grin widened. "Speaking of which, when does the next flight leave on Colton Air?"

It was his turn to look incredulous. "You've got to be kidding." He pressed a gentle kiss to the corner of her mouth. "You must be sore."

"Only a little tender. Not enough to keep me grounded." She rocked against him, exulting as he instantly hardened inside of her. "Again, Gabe."

He laughed. With their bodies still joined, he lifted her and carried her to the bed. He gently lowered her to the plush yellow comforter. "Anything you say, sweetheart." He began to stroke, slow and deep.

"Mmm. There's only one thing I want to know."

"What's that?"

She slid her hands down his back, enjoying the play of hard muscles under his smooth, heated skin. "Does this airline give frequent flyer miles?"

* * *

Chapter 20

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Three incredible, passion-hazed days later, Tessa woke to Gabe's soft kiss. "Wake up, sleepyhead."

"Uh," she groaned, reveling in the strong thud of his heart under her cheek. She'd slept with her head on his broad chest all night. When they'd slept, that is. "What time is it?"

"Noon. And we have an appointment."

"Noon? Good grief! What kind of appointment?"

He hugged her. "It's a surprise."

She rolled over. Her body protested, reminding her of the hours of paradise spent in Gabe's arms. He made love the way he did everything else, with uninhibited playfulness and abandon. His blatant delight and reverent absorption in her body had unleashed a wild, unrestrained streak in her she hadn't even known she possessed. He enjoyed looking at her, touching her, and he'd openly reveled in her fiery response.

Their life together would be one roller-coaster adventure after another. Especially in the bedroom. She groped for the clock and another, louder groan escaped.

"Muscles a little stiff this morning, hmm?" One dark

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