Brynna (Stone Society) - Faith Gibson Page 0,7

had told Travis all about when Banyan became King. It was hard picturing either Brynna or her brother in their regal attire, even though he’d seen photos from the coronation. They were both so down-to-earth. Then again, so was Tamian St. Claire, and he was in line to be the Italian Gargoyle King. The house Banyan and Urijah wanted Travis to design was nothing like the current house they were in. The new home would be large enough for a family but nowhere near the monstrosity Brynna wanted to transform into a hotel. Travis was excited about designing their new home. Having already been in charge of their home in New Atlanta, he knew their styles, although their Norse home would be larger and built with the timber from the trees there on the property. In his mind’s eye, Travis could see it. It was going to be glorious.

“Let’s dance,” Brynna blurted, bringing Travis out of his musings. “Come on. The ballroom is wired for sound, and I need to work off that delicious meal. You, too, Marcie. You can clean up later.”

Urijah clapped his hands. “Great idea. I’m going to call my parents so they can join us.”

“Where’s Lawrence?” Brynna asked Marcie. “He needs to be here too.” Jealousy hit Travis. Brynna had bragged on Marcie’s brother several times regarding his artwork. She had also said the siblings were like family, so he tried not to be too jealous.

“He drove up to Bergen to drop off a painting. He should be back any time now.” Marcie began gathering dishes even though Brynna told her to wait, so Travis stood to help. He wasn’t a good dancer, but he would happily watch Brynna.

Brynna pulled out her phone. “I’ll call him and have him stop off at the liquor store. I’m in the mood for some of those rum drinks he made after the coronation.” Travis swore to himself he would learn to make Brynna’s favorite drinks. She had learned to make his favorite dishes, so it was the right thing to do. It had nothing to do with Lawrence.

Yeah, right.

Freyda helped Marcie put away the few leftovers. “I hope ya save me a dance, Travis.” Freyda winked at him, and he grinned at the female. He didn’t know how old Freyda was. Since she was a Goyle, she didn’t appear much older than Brynna, but he knew from hearing stories of her and Gautum she had to be close to nine hundred, if not older. That was still taking some getting used to. Brynna was closing in on eight hundred herself. Talk about a cougar. Travis laughed to himself at his joke, and Freyda poked him in the ribs. “Are ya laughing at me, gutt?” Her eyes were smiling, so whatever “get” meant, he doubted it was an insult.

Brynna strolled up to Freyda and hip-checked her older friend. “I can assure you he’s not a boy.”

“Oh? Do tell!” The females giggled, and Travis turned his back on them, looking for help from one of the males.

“Come on, sønn. Let’s go have a drink,” Gautum said, grinning as he clapped Travis on the shoulder and directed him to the ballroom. Travis gladly went with the male. He was out of his element, but the older Goyle took pity on him and poured him a glass of Scotch. Travis wasn’t a big drinker considering his health, but if he was going to get through the next few months in close proximity to Brynna, he might take the chance.

Banyan started the music, and soon, the ballroom was alive with all of them dancing. Travis tried to remain on the sidelines, but Brynna pulled him into the fray, so he went with it. Travis wasn’t a good dancer to say the least, but neither were the others. Not the way they were all just wiggling their hips and pumping their arms overhead, having a good time. After a few songs, Urijah’s parents showed up with Lawrence, all of them carrying bags of liquor and mixers.

They stopped dancing long enough to make introductions. Lawrence shook Travis’s hand before he got behind the bar and mixed several concoctions that Travis had to admit were delicious and much more to his liking than straight Scotch. Travis knew better than to drink more than a few since he was a lightweight, but for once, he let himself indulge.

When a slow song came on, it was as though a switch had been flipped. All the couples set their drinks Copyright 2016 - 2024