Brynna (Stone Society) - Faith Gibson Page 0,54

and stepped back. Brynna unrolled the paper, and her eyes widened. Travis was afraid it was something bad until she turned it around for him to see. There on the property where they had decided to build their home in Norway were two children – one boy and one girl, both with blond hair, who appeared to be in their teens.

“I guess I am going to be a mother,” Brynna whispered, her eyes bright with tears.

Travis leaned over and kissed her. “Our own little Prince and Princess.”

Banyan and Urijah stood behind them looking over their shoulders. “You’re going to make a wonderful mom, Brynna. Our children will grow up together. They’ll have the life you should have had.” Banyan kissed the top of her head.

“When do you plan on starting your family?” Trevor asked Banyan.

“Tomorrow. We have an appointment at the Human Services office to start the adoption process.” Banyan’s tone was wistful, and Travis prayed they got to start their family soon. The two males had a lot of love to give.

“That’s wonderful.” Brynna smiled up at her brother and his mate. “Travis and I can practice being Aunty and Uncle before we bring our own kids into the world.”

“Maybe by the time Jasper and I return from our honeymoon, you’ll be proud Papas,” Trevor added.

Abbi rubbed her tummy, smiling. “I’m glad all our kids are going to grow up together in a big family. They might not be related by blood, but they will all be loved as though they are.”

Frey wrapped his arms around his mate. “And when it comes time for Sebastian to take over as King, he’ll have his own Clan to lead.”

Abbi looked up at her male, smiling. “Hopefully by that time, the world we know will be more peaceful. At least for the Gargoyles.”

“I’m going to make sure of it,” Frey promised.

Travis believed the large male. He believed in the Clan as a whole. Whether they were in the States or in Norway, the Gargoyles stood by one another no matter what. His life had seemed bleak when he was attacked and lost Rachel, but looking around him, Travis knew everything truly did happen for a reason, and he was right where he was supposed to be.

“Wait! Is that a…?” Brynna was pointing to something else in the drawing none of them had noticed.

Eden strolled into her father’s office and sat in the chair opposite his desk. “I need some time off,” she said without preamble. James “Nexus” Wood leaned back in his seat and steepled his fingers under his chin. Eden knew it was bad timing considering some of the handlers in their group of assassins had recently caused a shitshow, but she had her own agenda.

“You do realize we’re two handlers down, plus we lost our biggest group of operatives?”

“Yes, but this is important.” Eden didn’t want to tell her father they had also lost another two operatives. She also didn’t want him to know her personal life was more important to her than the family business, but she knew he wouldn’t let her get away with going off grid without a good reason.


“I found her.” Eden didn’t have to tell Nexus who “her” was.


“She’s being held in the New Atlanta Penitentiary.”

“Prison? Eden, I know you have feelings for this woman, but—”

“No, Dad. I don’t have feelings; I love her. She’s everything to me. If this were Mom…” She hated bringing up that time in their lives, but this was important to her. She was important to Eden.

Nexus rubbed the bridge of his nose, sighing. “If this were your mother, she wouldn’t be in prison.”

“Maybe not, but if she were, you would move heaven and earth to get her out. You did move heaven and earth to save her. She’s the reason you started this company in the first place.” Nexus, the group, had been formed years ago when her mother, Angelina, had been taken by an adversary of her father’s. James had the money to hire the best assassins and trackers, and he used that money to do whatever it took to get Angelina back home. What started as a one-time mission became two, then three when others caught wind of how effective the group had been. Years later, James had built a team of highly successful assassins, mercenaries, and handlers, with Eden being the one to oversee the computer portion of the business.

“Why is she in prison?”

“Because of something her father did. These people who have her, they took Copyright 2016 - 2024