Brynna (Stone Society) - Faith Gibson Page 0,49

drew up to turn the foyer into a lobby were brilliant.

Uri’s parents, along with Gautum and Freyda, did return home, but after a month of all-quiet on the Greek front, they headed back out to continue their vacation. Brynna couldn’t say she was upset they had come home for a while. She loved Gautum more than her own father, and she absolutely adored Freyda. One evening when Brynna and the older female were sitting on the patio having a cocktail, Brynna told her what she had done to the humans, and instead of chastising Brynna, Freyda all but high-fived her. Odin, but Brynna loved the female. She let herself wonder what her life would have been like with Gautum and Freyda for parents. But like Urijah had said, everything happened for a reason, and Brynna wouldn’t trade what she had with Travis for a different life with her parents.

There were no more threats or even hints of someone coming after them. Brynna didn’t think the worst was over, but she prayed it was. As she and Travis held each other every night after making love, they talked about their future. She admitted to her mate when she was having trouble with what she’d done, and Travis would either hold her quietly, or he would reassure her she did nothing wrong. During the harder times when she couldn’t get out of her head, Travis called on his dominant side and gave Brynna something else to think about, like a pink ass. She never thought about being spanked, but the pain from her mate’s hand was just the thing to take her mind off killing the humans.

It wasn’t until Travis called Trevor to check in and see how things were going back home that they realized the worst wasn’t over.

“Why didn’t you call me?” Travis shouted, and Brynna, Banyan, and Uri rushed out of the kitchen into the living room where Travis was pacing the floor. Banyan looked at Brynna, and she shrugged. “How could you think…? We’ll discuss this when I get there. I’ll be on the first plane home… Yes, I am, Trevor. Your fucking house was blown up!”

“What?” Brynna gasped. She turned to Banyan, but he was already typing away on his phone.

“I’m serious, Trevor. I’m coming home. I’ll see you tomorrow… I love you too.” Travis hung up and blew out a breath. “I don’t know how much of that you caught, but Drago blew up the manor, and Kaya’s in the hospital. Several more homes were hit, but no one else was injured. They had already sent the mates to Kai’s family home in Samoa, and during the flight, someone tried to take their plane down. The cabin of the jet is a pod, and it was ejected and landed safely in the ocean. Frey sent Sin and Sixx to meet them in Hawaii. Kai’s brother flew a decoy plane while the mates, along with Jasper, Nikolas, Frey, and Kai, went to Samoa. Drago showed up, Kai killed him, and they captured his hacker buddy, Hagen. They thought Lachlan was behind everything because someone used a computer to target the plane. Kai’s nephew, Henry, is a better hacker than Julian, and he figured out it wasn’t Lachlan, but Lachlan escaped, so now there’s that. I think that’s everything.”

“Holy shit,” Brynna muttered as she grabbed Travis’s arms.

Banyan waved his phone in the air. “I’ve got a jet on standby. Uri, call your brothers and ask that they come by and check in with the contractors. Brynna, you and Travis pack whatever you need, and I’ll go talk to Marcie and Lawrence. I’m going to have the house guarded while we’re gone.”

“How could he ever think he was bothering me when something this tragic happened?” Travis asked Brynna.

“I don’t know, Love. We’ll talk to him when we get there. Let’s go grab our things.” Brynna had a pretty good idea why Trevor didn’t call, and if his reason was what she thought? Travis wouldn’t be the only one giving him a tongue-lashing.

Less than two hours later, the four of them were in the air. It was a twelve-hour flight, which would put them in New Atlanta early the next morning. Banyan called Frey to get the details of everything that had gone down. Travis’s quick rundown had given the highlights, but Frey was able to elaborate. Trevor and Jasper were staying with Frey and his family for the time being, and Frey said he looked forward to seeing everyone Copyright 2016 - 2024